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Pics! HAVERHILL Pool, Saturday 1/25


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...her name is Janis but yup, she rocked it on Saturday....and then when we got home, dropped her elite LV from the top of the very tall caddy resulting in some pretty bad damage to the boat....I'm gonna have to find her another little boat to borrow for future pool sessions until we can get her beloved LV explorer fixed....none of my boats will fit her.

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Congratulation to Janis! I remember looking over and seeing how happy she was. You did a great job coaching!

Rick, if you and Janis would like to use my Romany at the next pool session, I can bring both of my boats along and use my Explorer for my pool work. (It is about time I transition to the Explorer in the pool.)

Now, my Romany does have the rails installed, but I removed the foot pegs. We can put them back in or I can bring extra minicell foam for Janus to get the right fit resting her feet on the bulkhead. As you know, the Romany rolls on it's own, so we would not want Janis to experience a set back by attempting to roll something she does not feel comfortable paddling. By the way, I can not remember if she needs a Werner Cyprus 210cm, straight shaft paddle, I have extras if you need one.

I am signed up for the Haverhill pool sessions on Feb 8 and 22 as well as March 22.

Just tell me what you think.


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Hi Rick,

Sorry about the Janet versus the Janis. I called Nancy's husband Warren instead of Wayne and now I called your wife janet instead of Janis --must be I am just getting old or two much water in my head from all that rolling.

I have my Impex Force 3 that Janis is welcome to use for the pool sessions season. You can pick it up at my house in Somerville or I can meet you somewhere and we can exchange the boat before the next pool session that you are attending.

It just is a little difficult for me to load two boats on my car -- I would have to change the layout of the brackets then load the boats -- can do it but not so easy in cold weather.

The cons: Impex Force 3 however is not an easy boat to roll due to its back deck being so high; as you know, it is built for speed and is not as responsive as some other boats. The Romany is a better roller than the Force 3. But I find the Romany cockpit too big for me.

The pros: The layout of the Force 3 is for the smaller paddler and Janis should fit in it just fine.


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Hey Rick,

Did you happen to notice that great looking NDK Explorer LV over in the Classifieds for Individuals section? Seems like it has Janis written all over the beautiful blue deck! Might be a nice reward for working so hard to master the roll! I would really like to see that boat up close at a future Haverhill pool session.


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i did see that boat over there in the classifieds section and should janis' boat prove beyond repair (seems to me it's in a tricky spot to fix but then again all my repair work is pretty rudimentary, looks like gerry cheevers face mask and is aimed solely at just getting home, not looking pretty - you've seen betty, right?) i'll take a look at it more closely....the pics sure are pretty. if it comes down to it i might see what she thinks of a pilgrim lv.

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In the is it fixable arena, I know someone who took an Explorer LV that had flown off a car at speed which upon contacting the pavement broke/ground off at least a foot of the stern. They repaired it and have used it since for camping trips with no problems. Not saying it looked new, but looked better than OK.

OTOH, the Pilgrim is a much better boat for a lighter/smaller paddler, and she certainly deserves a nice boat. Don't you agree? <g>

Ed Lawson

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You can call me Lester after the next 5 day kayak camping trip -- like the one we did from Birch H to Machias R -- cuz I probably look and smell like a Lester (no offense to the Lesters out there reading this Message Board)--

Les aka Lester

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"You can call me Lester after the next 5 day kayak camping trip -- like the one we did from Birch H to Machias"

Methinks this falls into the category of more than I want to know.

Ed Lawson

Edited by EEL
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