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Paddle Sunday


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Looking to get out on the water this Sunday since the ocean and weather are calming down for the weekend. Looked at circumnavigation of New Castle, but tide is not perfect (low @ 8:45am) unless anyone is up for an early start. I would launch from Pierce Island by 9:00am (9:30am latest?) to avoid the current under the Wentworth bridge. We could hang out and play under the bridge until the current gets too strong, or just continue on counter-clockwise around New Castle. We can stop for early lunch near Fort Point (park?) or somewhere else if there are better suggestions. Upon completion of the circum nav we can poke around inner harbor or just call it a day.

Any interest?

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Looking to get out on the water this Sunday since the ocean and weather are calming down for the weekend. Looked at circumnavigation of New Castle, but tide is not perfect (low @ 8:45am) unless anyone is up for an early start. I would launch from Pierce Island by 9:00am (9:30am latest?) to avoid the current under the Wentworth bridge. We could hang out and play under the bridge until the current gets too strong, or just continue on counter-clockwise around New Castle. We can stop for early lunch near Fort Point (park?) or somewhere else if there are better suggestions. Upon completion of the circum nav we can poke around inner harbor or just call it a day.

Any interest?

While I have some interest in paddling this Sunday, I have no interest in an early start. I'm definitely not a morning person, and Portsmouth is a fairly long drive for me. However, even you early birds may care that the national weather service hourly forecast predicts the temperature will reach freezing between 10am and 11am. The warmest part of the day will be in the 2pm to 4pm range. So from my perspective, having lunch at the put-in and launching between noon and 1pm could make a lot of sense. Plan to spend a little over two hours on the water? Sunset is around 5:30pm.

Might consider a different put-in with the different launch time.

However, if you do want to paddle that morning, no problem, have fun. I'll just attend my local WW pool rolling session that evening instead.

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Some info about the area: LT is about 9AM however current tables predict that current continues to ebb for about two hours afterwards leading to slack about 11AM. Ideally you might leave Pierces at 10AM travel down the Piscataqua paddle around Jaffrey Point. After lunch or stopping for a break at Little Harbor travel up through the back harbor to Pierces on the tide change. That's how I would plan a circumnavigation for Sunday.

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Some info about the area: LT is about 9AM however current tables predict that current continues to ebb for about two hours afterwards leading to slack about 11AM. Ideally you might leave Pierces at 10AM travel down the Piscataqua paddle around Jaffrey Point. After lunch or stopping for a break at Little Harbor travel up through the back harbor to Pierces on the tide change. That's how I would plan a circumnavigation for Sunday.

Appreciate the local knowledge! I know Robert threw this together this morning before he ran out the door and hadn't checked currents and we're not that familiar with the Piscataqua.

Care to join us?

Bill - I think our preference is for earlier rather than later as we don't like to get home late and have to do all the cleanup on a Sunday night. Does a 10am launch as Gene proposed make it any more palatable?

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Some info about the area: LT is about 9AM however current tables predict that current continues to ebb for about two hours afterwards leading to slack about 11AM.

I took the LT readings from NOAA at both Fort Point and Jaffrey Point and averaged the two to get 8:45am. I have a Currents app on my phone that was not matching up with the LT times, and you have explain why. Thanks for clearing up that little mystery!

Ideally you might leave Pierces at 10AM travel down the Piscataqua paddle around Jaffrey Point. After lunch or stopping for a break at Little Harbor travel up through the back harbor to Pierces on the tide change. That's how I would plan a circumnavigation for Sunday.

Do you think we can have lunch at Great Island Common park? The current, even at max flood (1.3k) should be easily handled from there down past Fort Shark and into Little Harbor. The big question will be if people can handle the quick but fast ride under the Wentworth Bridge. I think it would be fun, but that's me.

If so, we could actually look at an 11am launch, have lunch at the Common around noon time, head under the bridge just after max flood (anyone know the acutal flow rates under there?), and be back to the launch around 3pm.

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Bill - I think our preference is for earlier rather than later as we don't like to get home late and have to do all the cleanup on a Sunday night. Does a 10am launch as Gene proposed make it any more palatable?

I just did something closer to full diligence, and I don't really love the results.

Seavey Island (proxy for Pierce Island) Sun 3/3 low 9:08am, high 3:20pm

Jaffrey Point (proxy for Little Harbor) Sun 3/3 low 8:42am, high 2:57pm

That means the peak current under the Wentworth bridge will be in flood just before noon.

Regarding my schedule, the earliest I could be BIB on Sunday is 11am. We have a new dog with some issues still being introduced to our cats, and I need to help out in the morning. I would like to get off the water by about 2pm so that I could rinse my gear before sunset.

Combining all of that, the best option I see is launch from Little Harbor anytime between 11am and say noon. At that point we could either go out on the ocean if the sea state permits, or ride the fast flood under the Wentworth bridge. If we take the bridge route, we would just meander around the various inner islands until we sprinted out against the current under the Wentworth bridge a little before 2pm.

That is the best option I've come up with for the Portsmouth area on Sunday, March 3rd which works with my schedule constraints. However, I am totally OK with you sticking with the original circumnavigation proposal instead if that works better for you.

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The big question will be if people can handle the quick but fast ride under the Wentworth Bridge. I think it would be fun, but that's me.

At this time of year you would not need to worry much about boat traffic. While it would be challenging to fight the current, the current is quite smooth. So riding it is really only a psychological challenge.

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At this time of year you would not need to worry much about boat traffic. While it would be challenging to fight the current, the current is quite smooth. So riding it is really only a psychological challenge.

WEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee! :kayak:

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These are two good websites for tide and current info in case you were not familiar with them.



For places like the Piscat and Popham it seems the primary planning issue is current as opposed to tide level. Get it wrong, and it can be a long day.

The Piscat river is a real puzzle palace in terms of currents and timing to me. Very dynamic place.

Of course that also makes it an intriguing place to paddle.

Some random thoughts.

Estimating currents from tide levels in this area is most likely a questionable exercise.

The flood under the Wentworth bridge is a different animal from the ebb and rather benign.

If you paddle in the Piscat around slack, then keep in mind that is the same time when ships will be there.

Ed Lawson

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If you check out the current tables for the Piscataqua you can make a generalization that current continues to flow for about 1.5 hours after HT and 2 hours after LT before achieving slack water. The reasons for this are complex but can generally be explained by the Big Bay and its many river tribs northwards. They take a lot longer to fill and empty! I don't remember all the reasons for this but it has something to do with the fact that there are different types of tides at work here. Most of us are familiar with planning based upon LT and HT which is usually also coincident with slack water. The Great Bay demonstrates hydraulic tides which changes the timing considerably. As a general rule of thumb when planning a trip that involves the Piscataqua around Portsmouth or New Castle rely more on the slack water forecasts in the current tables than HT & LT forecasts. Also by becoming familiar with max current flows around certain areas in the river like Henderson Point and Salamander Point you will know where the trouble spots are if you plan wrong. Current flows in these areas can be as much as 4 knots. Conversely, the mouth of the harbor is relatively immune to strong currents because of its relatively wider width. From Fort Constitution (the CC station) down to Jaffrey Point the worst you could expect is less than 1 knot of max current. Which is why I prefer to launch at Frisbee wharf in Kittery Point and paddle down the harbor oblivious to tide forecasts and either play on the rocks in Rye or paddle north towards Brave Boat. Coming back I can have the same indifference to tides.

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At this point, we are leaning towards the clockwise circum nav of New Castle (sorry Bill) as follows:

-Launch from Pierce Island
-Gear up and ready to go by 10am for beach breifing

-Potential for a little bit of play in the last of the currents, or poking around on our way down the Piscataqua along the New Castle shore

-Lunch will be at Great Island Common

-Ride the flood into the inner harbor to either poke around or just head back

-Expected return around 2 - 3pm

Latest weather report calls for NW winds <10kts, and seas around 1 foot, so paddling should be easy. We will not be seeking out any rocks or surf. Temps will get up into the upper 30's by the afternoon, but it will be mostly cloudy all day. Water temps at Fort Point have been reading below 40 degrees.

Cathy and I plan to go regardless if anyone else does unless the weather degrades. If you want to go, please post here or PM me by Saturday afternoon with your float plan information.

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I'm in!

Hey Rob, I plan to paddle the Romany. If you would like to paddle the Explorer, just ask. I can bring it along, it's no problem.

Cathy, if you happen to pack any of your most delicious banana nut bread for your lunch, could you pack an extra slice for me?


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Glad to have you along Warren, and I would LOVE to paddle the Great White again! Cathy and I will have plenty of banana nut bread as "rental payment".

FYI - We are keeping an eye on the weather. Might be degrading for Sunday. Stay tuned.....

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Huh...... Just checked NOAA again and they are back to where it was yesterday - nice day! Do they know what they are doing? My plan is to watch the weather over the next couple of days and make a final decision Saturday night. We can then make a final group assessment at the beach breifing Sunday morning.

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Welcome Jeff!

Weather update (NOAA is really having trouble with this forcast!): NW wind 5 to 9 kt becoming W in the afternoon. A chance of snow before 9am, then a chance of rain and snow between 9am and 10am, then a chance of rain after 10am. Seas 1 ft or less. Sooooooo..... Cathy and I are still comfortable with going as long as the wind stays reasonable (under 15kts?) and the seas stay within 1-2'.

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Would like to make the trip, but not sure when I will get back from a long day on Sat. and need to snowshoe a track to get kayak to car. So I am a possible maybe. I will either be there on time and ready or I will not be coming so do not assume I am just a little late and dally.

Forecast is for warm temps in March. If so any interest a trip from Odiorne to Rye and Back or Kennebunkport to Cape Porpoise or from Odiorne around Gerrish in the near future?

To me the trip to Rye is a nice early season warm up, the Gerrish trip is nice and varied when there is minimal boat traffic.

Ed Lawson

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Would like to make the trip, but not sure when I will get back from a long day on Sat. and need to snowshoe a track to get kayak to car. So I am a possible maybe. I will either be there on time and ready or I will not be coming so do not assume I am just a little late and dally.

Forecast is for warm temps in March. If so any interest a trip from Odiorne to Rye and Back or Kennebunkport to Cape Porpoise or from Odiorne around Gerrish in the near future?

To me the trip to Rye is a nice early season warm up, the Gerrish trip is nice and varied when there is minimal boat traffic.

Ed Lawson

They all sound good to me - I haven't done Kennebunkport/Cape Porpoise.

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Would like to make the trip, but not sure when I will get back from a long day on Sat. and need to snowshoe a track to get kayak to car. So I am a possible maybe. I will either be there on time and ready or I will not be coming so do not assume I am just a little late and dally.

Why don't you PM your float plan info anyway so that we can include it if you happen to make it. Please include the following:

Cell number

emergency contact name and number

boat make, model and color

car make, model, color, and plate #

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For those that are going - since the Porta Potties at Peirce are most likely closed, the last Dunkin Donuts is at 531 Islington Street (get off at the rotary, not exit 7; use your gps), then it's a straight shot down to the water. :toilet_monster:

Didn't mean that to be funny, but now that I've re-read it, I'm leavin' it!

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They all sound good to me - I haven't done Kennebunkport/Cape Porpoise.

A favorite of mine. Can be lively! Lot's to see. Surf, rocks, "Bush" Estate w/secret service, islands, lighthouse, backwater. Will post a trip from there in the Spring.

I know of the "perfect" sandy launch w/parking.


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Normally, I respond when I plan to join a trip and if I were feeling fit I would love to join this one. A racking cough over three days has left my torso sore so I'm not sure I could paddle without pain. Have a great and fun time and I will look forward to the next opportunity to paddle with you folks.

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