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I've been reading Paul Theroux's The Happy Isles Of Oceania: Paddling The Pacific. He describes a day of paddling into rough surf conditions off Cooktown. The way he lands onshore is backwards, known by surfers as, "backshoot". That is, you turn your boat around into the waves and beach the boat without a wet exit. The author claims this technique gives better boat control in dumping waves.

I never heard or seen this technique. Has anyone tried this while surfing or landing in dumping waves?


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Never tried it as I prefer forward on dumping beaches. Might work and be neat...I'll try it someday. Problem is if you "backshoot" in and broach you are screwed. Directional control while backsurfing is fickle.

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Happy New Year to you as well Christopher. My question is akin to Paul S's statement. If I have it right, you point the boat into the waves and start paddling backwards -but if you have beam winds or confused seas-and waves dumping fast-it's probably not smart to use this technique. Correct? So when would you use it? The author did use it in a beam wind with a loaded boat, which does not sound right to me -- so I am even more confused--

P.S. For those of you who have a hard copy of this book, the description is on page 81.


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I prefer doing it with my Pintail, as the OC is hard enough to wiggle out of, so I can at least see what's gonna hit me :) This past fall, I worked a bit on back surfing/paddling into current and reacting to broaches. It tested my sense of haha more than once!

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I think John's method is safest. Going forward or backwards into dumping surf can lead to front or back end overs which is not good, unless the technique of going backwards admits of finer control in timing the waves. i.e paddling forward over the big ones and then paddling rapidly in the troughs and repeating until landing safely on the beach. Boat control backwards is still a problem however.

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For DUMPERS, forwards is faster and safer in my book. On the back of Big and Dumpy here on the left coast. Side surfing leaves you with nowhere to run. If you survive the first one the next is going to suck you out and crush you. Back paddling is great for landing in big stuff. It gives you the power to paddle into an oncoming breaker to maintain some control. The secret to backpaddling is practice ;) Derek Hutchinson always made a big deal of learning to backpaddle with gusto and control. I have great control thanks to Derek's insistance and practice.

As for landing using the backshoot technique, you simply backpaddle until you just reach the breakzone. After an almost breaking wave passes under you, SPRINT! Keeping an eye on the next wave for the break. If you aren't clear of the break, sprint forward to give yourself control or if you must, reach beyond the breakzone, and repeat until you are on the beach safely.


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