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Misadventure on Boston Harbor


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Thanks for the article, Barry. Under the circumstances, I'm not sure why he didn't try to call the CG from Long Island instead of shoving off again. Did he have a water-proof cell phone mentioned earlier, or does 'inaccessible' mean back in the car? In any case, testimonials like this one are a public service. - Bob

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Thanks for the article, Barry. Under the circumstances, I'm not sure why he didn't try to call the CG from Long Island instead of shoving off again. Did he have a water-proof cell phone mentioned earlier, or does 'inaccessible' mean back in the car? In any case, testimonials like this one are a public service. - Bob

I really don't think that it's appropriate to call the CG from Long island unless he needed an ambulance for a ride to a hospital. Once your on land that has a bridge I don't see it a appropriate to call the CG.

Long Island


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" to rely on what I just assumed to be my own superiority to nature's dangers"

What more is there to say about how best to find your way into deep do-do?

Ed Lawson

Who remembers why he sought to avoid Uncle Sam's Misguided children

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His description sounds like hypothermia was likely, and he had leg wounds.

If outside help was needed 911 would be the best place to call. He is no longer on the water, on an island connected back to the city. The island has police patrol and a building that at times is opened by the city as a homeless shelter.


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Jeez-Once reaching terra firma I think I would have stayed there and investigated getting some kind of help before jumping back into the frying pan. Then again, I'm not a Marine! I'm glad he posted his adventure, it can't but be helpful to others.

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As someone who paddles in Boston Harbor all the time I can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that he wasn't on Long Island. When he says there was no one on the island and no place to take shelter, that tells me he wasn't on Long Island. Not only is there the bridge Jason pointed out, but there is a homeless shelter, fire station, numerous other buildings and even an occasional MBTA bus. Considering how unprepared he was, I'm not surprised he didn't have a chart. That fact is not very important to the story as it turned out, but if he had needed to call the Coast Guard for help, I doubt they would have found him on Long Island.

At least he got out OK and is a little wiser for the experience. Although the marine motto is semper fidelis -- "always faithful

-- perhaps he has new appreciation for the Coast Guard motto, semper paratus -- "always prepared."

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