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The disappearing trick


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We joined NSPN last summer, met some great people and went on a couple of fine trips. We then entirely disappeared. It was not personal! :blush: Here is the recipe:

1. Buy a house

2. Decide to remodel "a little"

3. Decide to be your own general contractor

4. Let scope creep get entirely out of control to a complete strip out / rebuild.

Thus ended life as we knew it, kayaking exchanged for 200 decisions a day, tracking down AWOL contractors and getting on first name terms in every home improvement store in the region.

We are now thoroughly unfit (stress is NOT slimming.....) and have not paddled for months but we are back and determined to get rolling again - in more ways than one.

Pictures here for the bored.

As part of our return I will post an interesting pool session with Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson in the events page.

We are looking forward to getting back in the water and reacquainted.

All the best

Graham & Janaki

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I wondered where you folks disappeared to. The house looks great! I'm glad to hear though that you'll be doing more paddling with the group on 2010.



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We joined NSPN last summer, met some great people and went on a couple of fine trips. We then entirely disappeared. It was not personal! :blush: Here is the recipe:

1. Buy a house

2. Decide to remodel "a little"

3. Decide to be your own general contractor

4. Let scope creep get entirely out of control to a complete strip out / rebuild.

Thus ended life as we knew it, kayaking exchanged for 200 decisions a day, tracking down AWOL contractors and getting on first name terms in every home improvement store in the region.

We are now thoroughly unfit (stress is NOT slimming.....) and have not paddled for months but we are back and determined to get rolling again - in more ways than one.

Pictures here for the bored.

As part of our return I will post an interesting pool session with Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson in the events page.

We are looking forward to getting back in the water and reacquainted.

All the best

Graham & Janaki

Been there...done that.....I feel your pain. Welcome back.

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been there, done that......even bought the t-shirt.

I hope you remembered to design in sufficient storage space for additional boats in your fleet.

Looks like a great place for NSPN clubhouse, Northern Sector.

Our Minister of Land Approprations will be contacting you shortly. :1:

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Loos like our new launch site is finished. Is the parking free?


We are 'on the water' but not much of a launch site I'm afraid. Just a struggle through the salt grass two hours each side of high tide. Guess we will be back to trucking....

That does remind me though - must offer our current rental to the group. That REALLY is a great launch site and we would love a kayaker to follow us here.


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We joined NSPN last summer, met some great people and went on a couple of fine trips. We then entirely disappeared. It was not personal! :blush: Here is the recipe:

1. Buy a house

2. Decide to remodel "a little"

3. Decide to be your own general contractor

4. Let scope creep get entirely out of control to a complete strip out / rebuild.

Thus ended life as we knew it, kayaking exchanged for 200 decisions a day, tracking down AWOL contractors and getting on first name terms in every home improvement store in the region.

We are now thoroughly unfit (stress is NOT slimming.....) and have not paddled for months but we are back and determined to get rolling again - in more ways than one.

Pictures here for the bored.

As part of our return I will post an interesting pool session with Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson in the events page.

We are looking forward to getting back in the water and reacquainted.

All the best

Graham & Janaki

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When's the open house party?

There is a good question. We will of course have one but the when remains a mystery to us. As we near the end of the project it is getting increasingly difficult to keep the various contractor's attention. They realize it is nearly done, find their next job and we end up with the "I'll try and get there Monday evening" syndrome. The overall level of activity is tailing off scarily. It feels like one of those converging functions that never actually arrives......

Know any good plumbers round here that don't mind finishing someone else's work? That is our biggest struggle right now.

We have told our landlord we will be out of this place by April 1st so I guess - finished or not - it will be some time round then - good time for a party.

Drop in if you are about. One of us is on site most of the time.


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Know any good plumbers round here that don't mind finishing someone else's work? That is our biggest struggle right now.


I swear by Angie's List (angieslist.com), they list any kind of service person you can think of, with reviews by folks who have used them. They'll go to bat for you if you have a problem. I've had great luck finding competent help there. Also, when contractors know you're going to submit a review of them they seem to care more. Great job with the house, thanks for sharing the pics. Florrie

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:blush: Here is the recipe:

1. Buy a house

2. Decide to remodel "a little"

3. Decide to be your own general contractor

4. Let scope creep get entirely out of control to a complete strip out / rebuild.

Thus ended life as we knew it, kayaking exchanged for 200 decisions a day, tracking down AWOL contractors and getting on first name terms in every home improvement store in the region.

Same problem here - bought house, decided to build a garage. After 4+ years, still can't get the lazy builder to finish all the work. . . . .

Problem is, the builder is ME.


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