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Cape Porpoise Paddle - CANCELED


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Please join us for the first in a series of paddles to some of the islands along the Maine Island Trail. This will be a level 2+ paddle among the islands located at Cape Porpoise, Kennebunkport. You can join us for just a day paddle on Saturday, or join us while we camp overnight at one of the islands Saturday night and paddle back on Sunday.

Cape Porpoise is a great, scenic place to paddle that offers protected water on the inside of the islands and more exposed waters on the outside of the islands. This paddle will be a great introduction to MITA islands and is appropriate for both new and experienced kayak campers.

Scott Camlin, long time member of NSPN and member of the MITA Board of Trustees, will be there representing MITA for those wishing to learn more about MITA. While we recommend MITA membership, you don't have to be a current member of MITA to join us if you just want to check out what MITA is all about.

We will post more details about the trip soon.

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I would like to come along. I'm actually pretty much a newbie to kayak camping. I have gear left over from backpacking long ago, but all my paddling is day trips. And I'd like to check out Cape Porpoise.


I can make it for the day paddle on Saturday.

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Please join us for the first in a series of paddles to some of the islands along the Maine Island Trail. This will be a level 2+ paddle among the islands located at Cape Porpoise, Kennebunkport. You can join us for just a day paddle on Saturday, or join us while we camp overnight at one of the islands Saturday night and paddle back on Sunday.

Cape Porpoise is a great, scenic place to paddle that offers protected water on the inside of the islands and more exposed waters on the outside of the islands. This paddle will be a great introduction to MITA islands and is appropriate for both new and experienced kayak campers.

Scott Camlin, long time member of NSPN and member of the MITA Board of Trustees, will be there representing MITA for those wishing to learn more about MITA. While we recommend MITA membership, you don't have to be a current member of MITA to join us if you just want to check out what MITA is all about.

We will post more details about the trip soon.

Would love more info on this trip. Very interested.


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If the swells show up as advertised from the off shore storm, the sight and sound of them hitting Cape and Goat Islands will be well worth the price of admission.

Of course this timid woodland creature will watch from the Ramp Bar and Grill using strong glasses.

Ed Lawson

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We will post more details about the trip soon.

Any details? launch time? expected time of return?

I might be able to join you.


I'm interested in the day paddle on saturday.


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We are keeping a close eye on the weather forcast for this trip. So far the forcast doesn't look good, but forcasts are often wrong and this one has been changing daily. The biggest problem with the area is it's shallow and much of the sheltered area behind the islands dries out at low tide (~3:30pm on Saturday). We will probably have to make the call Friday once we get a better idea of the weather.

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Sorry folks but we are going to have to cancel this one. The tides and the weather just aren't cooperating...

Just to add a little background to Chris' post: forecasts are calling for 4-5 foot swells from the E veering to SE on Saturday and Sunday. While it could be fun for more advanced paddlers, this day and camping trip was intended for paddlers new to the ocean and camping. Even in the protected waters around Cape Porpoise, Level 2+ paddlers would be pinned down.

We hope to schedule similar trips later this summer.


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