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Paddling Opportunities Presentation Tomorrow Night!


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Just a reminder that the Paddling Opportunities Along the Maine Coast presentation by Dave Mention, the Trail Director for MITA, is tomorrow night at the Gould Barn at 6:30. See Betty Ann's post above for more info, or click here.

Dave's a great guy and very knowledgable about the Maine coastline. If you are looking for new places to paddle or are planning a kayak trip along the trail, Dave is the guy to talk to. He's got alot of great ideas and loves sharing his knowledge about the islands.

We will have MITA membership packages available, including the updated 2009 Guide book. So, if you are a member of NSPN you can take advantage of the reduced membership rates and get your guidbook right away!

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We will have MITA membership packages available, including the updated 2009 Guide book.

The 2009 guidebook is really nice. Better chartlets and some of the general info dropped from the 2008 guide is back as I recall. Staying with the spiral bound book is good too. Waiting for mine in the mail. If you paddle in Maine or are thinking about doing so, you really should take advantage of opportunity to join MITA. The staff is very helpful about providing advice and local knowledge so never hesitate to contact them as part of trip planning.

Even thought NSPN has adopted two islands, nothing prevents individuals from doing so and even if you only visit once or twice a year your help will be appreciated by MITA and you will find it enjoyable.

Couple of little details.

MITA asks that members not mention the name/use of privately owned islands which are open for use by only MITA members. So trip reports, etc. should not mention specific names of islands visited if they are privately owned.

Many islands have suggested date limitations for visiting listed under the general considerations section of the description, mainly for Osprey nesting from now till late June.

So while the next month or so is a good time to get out to the islands before bugs appear big time, check first.

Ed Lawson

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