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insurance for outdoor junkies


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Any insurance experts out there?

I was just denied LTD coverage due to "mountaineering". I am incredulous, of course, as I figure that my hiking/backpacking adventures have far less risk than driving to the trailheads. Any bozo in an insurance office who doesn't comprehend this distinction probably has a far higher health risk due to sedentary lifestyle than I have due to outdoor adventures.

Ranting aside, does anybody have suggestions for insurance providers who offer "assigned risk" policies to outdoor types? (background: I went independent about a year and a half ago, so I can't buy this through work. I got an IEEE (professional society) policy right away, but they couldn't write it for full amount till I had a year of financial history in my company, and it was on the application to bring up to full coverage that they barfed on me. I'd like a cheap policy as afforded by professional memberships, but in any case I'd like some sort of coverage in case the worst happens).

I know, this is paddling, not mountaineering....but the insurance risks are the same and this is an "active" group with lots of opinions (to say the least). I'm sure a few of you can offer useful advice..... thanks in advance, etc.

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Any insurance experts out there?

I was just denied LTD coverage due to "mountaineering". I am incredulous, of course, as I figure that my hiking/backpacking adventures have far less risk than driving to the trailheads.

I would pursue the issue and make sure the underwriter understands the activity. Mountaineering is not hiking/backpacking. Mountaineering normally implies technical rock and ice climbing. Hiking up Mt. Washington even in the winter is not the same as climbing the ice gullies in Huntington Ravine for example. Also, maybe they would exclude disability from specific activities. I recall this being an issue when I obtained LTD insurance since they asked about recreational activities. I was told technical climbing, bike and car racing would be excluded activities, but did not prevent coverage. Skiing, sailboat racing and hiking were non-issues. Interestingly, it did not matter what activity you took up after obtaining coverage as I recall.

Ed Lawson

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jeff -

i think walter meers has something to do with insurance?

bought life insurance and had the fella come in and he has the obligatory 101 questions and he wanted to know if sea kayaking was in the same risk category as sky diving and while i'm sure the question has to be asked from his end of the conversation all i could think was ai-yi-yi, what the hell kind of question is that? EVERY time you jump out of an aircraft, you're DEAD until something goes right...EVERY time you paddle, you're ALIVE until something goes wrong. so no, i'd say not in the same category at all.

good luck!

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Last time I spoke with Walter he said we was not in the insurance game any more. At the time, he was mainly selling policies to professionals such as firefighters that provided coverage to complement what came with the job. I don't know if they had a special exemption for body building, but that's another story.

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