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Hermit in September

Ben Fuller

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Some of us skinny stickers have been interested in organizing a fall unstructured informal paddlers get together.

We have done so. I have secured a base at the Hermit Island Campground the last weekend of September, 26,27,28. No program. There will be locals that know the area; Popham Beach is not far away, and some of us are familiar with opportunities for play in the mouth of the Kennebec. If the weather is foul there are opportunities to tour up river or if things are nicer, the nesting islands to the west are open after the end of August.

But what we really want to see is if adults can getting together to see if they can have fun and maybe learn a few things. Thirty two dollars a night per campground which can accommodate two cars 4 people. Easy carry to the water and a pavilion for pot luck. We'd be along Harbor Grove. Wander around on their website to locate it if you are not familiar with the area.

I have listed this on the QUSA web site as well. All the Hermit folks want is some idea of numbers, so if you are interested drop a note on this list or contact me or Ed Lawson who lurks on this list who is maintaining a roster which we will give the campsite. Money goes right to them.

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Ben I was thinking of posting a trip around this same time but I don't paddle with a greenland paddle allthough I do own one . Would us euro paddlers be welcome to join you? Also I will be at hermit Is. this week and we've only been allowed one car per site does this rule change after labor day?

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Ben I was thinking of posting a trip around this same time but I don't paddle with a greenland paddle allthough I do own one . Would us euro paddlers be welcome to join you? Also I will be at hermit Is. this week and we've only been allowed one car per site does this rule change after labor day?

I LOVE Hermit Island and have planned organized groups, classes and clandestine paddles from there.

The ONLY time the 1 car per campsite rule is relaxed if at all is the VERY last weekend that Hermit is opened. That is usually Columbus Weekend. That is also the weekend that dogs show up although strictly speaking they aren't allowed either.

So, don't count on the 1 car per site rule being relaxed... There is an overflow parking lot up the hill where you can pay to park your vehicle for the weekend. Best to just plan to have your own site if it is hard to do without your car.

Sounds like a good time Ben and might be fun to have a big get together of kayakers.


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I LOVE Hermit Island and have planned organized groups, classes and clandestine paddles from there.

The ONLY time the 1 car per campsite rule is relaxed if at all is the VERY last weekend that Hermit is opened. That is usually Columbus Weekend. That is also the weekend that dogs show up although strictly speaking they aren't allowed either.

So, don't count on the 1 car per site rule being relaxed... There is an overflow parking lot up the hill where you can pay to park your vehicle for the weekend. Best to just plan to have your own site if it is hard to do without your car.

Sounds like a good time Ben and might be fun to have a big get together of kayakers.


We will check on the cars per site rule; I have to check my correspondence with them. I know it is 4 adults per site, but that usally means two cars. Perhaps dropping off one cars worth of gear. It may also be that things are relaxes because they are setting aside one part of the site ( along the harbor).

This all started with some skinny stickers thinking about inviting folks from the lower 47 to Maine; other folks would be welcome but there will a lot of skinny stick and SOF's and some pretty experienced teachers so would be a good opportunity give it a go.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Any hotels in the area? Would like to paddle 2 or 3 days & meet with the group at a designated location each day. Is this a possible format in conjunction to what is being planned? If so, does anyone else share the same interest in a more pampered home base?


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I would like to participate in this trip.


Sent you a PM about Hermit Island. Will have more details soon and will post here.

For anyone considering this event, Sept. is a great time of year for paddling in upper Casco Bay. While the impetus for this was to provide a time and place for peer mentoring of Greenland techniques, feel free to come even if you are not a skinny stick person. Popham is right around the corner and it usually provides some "interesting" paddling. Well, getting around Cape Small to get to Popham on the water might be interesting too. There are numerous islands in the bay to explore with many critters about. Paddling along the coast toward Port Clyde provides great gunkholing among islands and inlets. Recently Gail and I were near the area and many seals, bald eagles, and osprey were about. And if you want to be a pirate, you too can climb the exposed mast of a sunken boat.

If you are curious or have an interest in learning more about using GPs or what it is like to paddle one of those funny little boats, it promises to be a great opportunity in a great setting to do so and to get in some fine paddling as well.

Ed Lawson

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