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Learnng/skills trip -- Sunday -- Manchester


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Adam Bolonsky and I are initiating a learning/skills trip out of Manchester this Sunday. We launch (Bs-in-boat) at 10:30 from Tuck's Point (see the NSPN put-in section or this map -- http://tinyurl.com/6jrblm).

This will be a pass-it-on trip, with routes and skills to work on determined by the group and dependent on the levels of experience and interest (getting wet will be recommended but optional). We can stay in the shelter of the harbor, or perhaps venture out a bit, depending on interests and conditions. We figure to be back by mid-afternoon.

So, all are welcome -- from beginners with at least a bit of time in their boat on up to more experienced and those with skills to share.

This is CAM, so leadership will be fluid, but I will mention our backgrounds. Adam is an NSPN founder and long-time paddling teacher and trip leader / trainer through NSPN and many other routes. I'm a BCU L2 coach, also with ACA instructor training, and, when that existed, was an NSPN trip leader.

We're looking for critical mass of at least a few more paddlers, so please post here if you are interested. Final determination will also depend on the weather, and we will post by Saturday evening or Sunday morning.


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Perhaps your first lesson in kayaking will be Mr. Bolonsky arriving near, at, or perhaps even after launch time yet being the first one on the water. Do keep your eyes on the skies, if Al Kapreilian hasn't lost it there is a good change of T'storms.

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Perhaps your first lesson in kayaking will be Mr. Bolonsky arriving near, at, or perhaps even after launch time yet being the first one on the water. Do keep your eyes on the skies, if Al Kapreilian hasn't lost it there is a good change of T'storms.

Thanks for the kind words, Bob. Are you joining us? (You're more than welcome!)

Yes, we know the current f'cast is for a chance of T-storms. We'll be sure to plan for wait-out points, take plenty of shelter, watch the sky and the barometer, and check the radar before we leave.


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Most likely I'll join you on the water at some point. I don't think I'll make the 10:30AM launch.

Try to pick us up on the radio. Ch. 72, let's say we'll answer the callsign "NSPN Tucks Point", assuming that my radio works and that David brings his.

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I'll be there. Don't want to override the goals of the trip, but I hope there will be a group that wants to go out past Baker (perhaps 2+/3-/3). Either way, see you Sunday.




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I'll be there. Don't want to override the goals of the trip, but I hope there will be a group that wants to go out past Baker (perhaps 2+/3-/3). Either way, see you Sunday.

This trip is on as of now. I'll check the radar in the morning, but the forecast at the moment is for the t-storms more likely after 5:00, and we should be off the water by then. In any case, we'll keep an eye out and stay near bailout points. If anybody has a shelter, bring it.

Al: looks like there'll be at least a sizable a subgroup of experienced paddlers, so I'd say convincing some to go to Misery and Baker's is quite possible.

I myself am having back problems, but unless I'm completely crippled in the morning, I'll at least show up at the launch point.


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Might be joining you, but not definitely.


I won't be there. The weather sounds too iffy for me to pack up and go that far.


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I won't be there. The weather sounds too iffy for me to pack up and go that far.


The radar shows that the current rain will end soon across the North Shore. There is no more storm activity shown behind that all the way across MA, CT, NY, NJ and PA, where the weather today is coming from. So if that holds, there will be no more storms during our paddle. Of course, that's no guarantee, but right now it looks good.

So as of now (7:000 AM), I'm going to Tuck's to launch.

If anybody has mobile service with radar maps (like IPhone) it would be great if you could bring it along for a last-minute look.


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Scattered Thunderstorms from 10-1, Isolated T-Storms from 1-4, Scattered T-Storms 4-7

Marine Forecast is essentially the same.





Sounds like a typical summer day in which great care must be taken.

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Scattered Thunderstorms from 10-1, Isolated T-Storms from 1-4, Scattered T-Storms 4-7

Sounds like a typical summer day in which great care must be taken.

8:15 AM Update...

Checked the radar again -- still no storms headed toward the North Shore all day. This is much more accurate than the general forecast for the whole area, done hours in advance without specifics.

I'm going to call home at 10:30 to get a last-minute radar report from Deborah.

Looks fine to me. But we will be extra-special careful, of course.


Here's a radar snapshot. You need to see it animated to know this, but that storm system over RI/CT will head well south of Boston. Cape Cod's gonna get hit, but not us.


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I'll be there.

Post-trip report. Nice paddle -- perfect weather! Ten paddlers went to Misery and then some to Bakers, with skills practice discussions about safe group paddling along the way. We'll do more of these.

BTW, the radar right now (4:00 PM) however, shows the Boston area and North Shore getting slammed by an intense storm around 5:30-6:30 or so. Hope everybody is off the water by then.


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Many thanks to Adam and David for putting this trip together! It was a beautiful day with great conditions to practice the new stuff we learned. :D

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