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Trip Leader Training information for May 19th/20th

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The following ACA numbers represent those taking the course over the upcoming weekend. If you have signed up and don't see your number in the list, please let me know as soon as possible.













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Please keep in mind that there will be classroom time each day and a written test.

The current plan is the classroom time will be in the AM each day. This may change to allow us be on the water when the weather is better.

Please bring pen and paper or anything else that you may need for the classroom.

Thanks -Jason

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  • 2 months later...

2007 NSPN TLT will take place in Essex Bay on Sat. the 19th and Sun. the 20th. Please meet at Walter Mears' home at 8:30 am both days. The class is expected to run from 9-5 each day, so please plan accordingly with regard to food, etc. The class will be held rain or shine and the weekend is projected to be cooler than recent temperatures, so wetsuits are required as a minimum with drysuits preferred. Directions are provided in the attached pdf document. Checks are payable at the start of the class. Please see either myself or Jason Kates as soon as you arrive. If you have any questions, please let me know.

I will be posting the ACA numbers of those who signed up later today, so please make sure your number is on the list. If it's not and should be there, please make sure you let me know.

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