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New NSPN Logo's for poll - Poll has ended


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Thanks to Heidi for the efforts and the great results.

My first reaction to the new logos was similar to Brian's. There's more than one who thinks there are other issues higher on the priority list. A company logo is changed to project a new image. One of the most notable was GE dropping the lightbulb in favour of the "beach ball" as some called it at the time. I don't see a need for a new NSPN image and second the thought that brand recognition, such as it is with the current logo, is more valuable to the club.

The vote should be restarted including "none of the above".

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Both are very nice -- thanks to Heidi (she designed them, right?).

I voted for the triangular one mainly because the circular one includes a stylized map that really limits who we are and where we paddle -- which is everywhere from CT to Maine, and beyond! But even if we just consider where we paddle most, how can we omit Boston Harbor, Marblehead (where we hold our annual picnic), Nahant (where we surf a lot), Hingham, the Cape, etc, etc.

In other words, let's not limit ourselves -- as we appear to others or even to ourselves.

My $000.02. --David.

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Seriously, the new logos are nice, but who made the decision to create a new club logo? Perhaps I missed a thread about it, but was this subject even discussed before a decision was made? The current logo has been around for a long time and people recognize it, so what's the point in switching? Change simply for change's sake doesn't make sense. With all due respect to the designer of the new logos, I think the club should keep the logo it's recognized by.

Additionally, going from a 2-color to a 4 or 5 color logo will increase the cost of everything we have it printed or embroidered on.

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GENUFLECT REVERENTIALLY when you say tooksook, damnit!

not being a club member i have no say but do have a question on the motivation...why?

is it part of a grand scheme of re-launch, rebirth, reiteration? what is the club heralding that calls for a change in the "face" of the board / club logo? is there a broader plan?

i too have a fondness for the ole logo...for me, it's been the face of the club but understand that ole timers don't really have a vote (til we join the aarp and THEN, we're a force to be reckoned with)

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Maybe my incipient birthday is clouding my vision, but I don't quite see why the map on the circular design is limiting. It seems to include all of coastal Massachusetts from Newburyport well down and around the Cape into Buzzards Bay.

And doesn't the name NSPN mean North Shore Paddlers Network? If you want to include all of NE in there, perhaps it should be changed to New England Paddles Network?

People paddle where they want. A logo for a paddling club isn't going to limit where they decide to go.

As far as member numbers and attracting "new blood", I think it all goes a heck of alot deeper than any sticker or badge someone's going to display on their car, kayak, fleece or paddle blade.

BTW, nice job Heidi.

Deb M

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Both are very well done graphics and the preference for one over the other a matter of personal aesthetics it seems to me.

As to what the logo says about NSPN, it seems to me this thread says as much about NSPN as one might care to know. On second thought, a new logo for a new direction or whatever makes sense. Some things have to change and might as well start there.

Ed Lawson

Provocative Contrarian

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HA! you're right!

someone asks a simple "a" or "b" question and you end up with contentious answers (it's the least of the problems!), picayune geographical answers (but it's limiting or not limiting) and philosophical answers (why?) and few posts answered the question outright!

my apologies - signed a nattering nabob of negativity.

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>Maybe my incipient birthday is clouding my vision, but I

>don't quite see why the map on the circular design is

>limiting. It seems to include all of coastal Massachusetts

>from Newburyport well down and around the Cape into Buzzards


Ooops.. right you are! Geez, what was I smoking?


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The paddler is obviously wearing a white pfd and smiling, but you have to look close because she is diligent about using sun screen and just isn't into wearing lipstick when she's out paddling. People see what they want to see.

Adding too many details takes away from the design! Heidi, no matter what decision is made you obviously put a lot of time and thought into these logos and they are both VERY nicely done.


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>Seriously, the new logos are nice, but who made the decision

>to create a new club logo?

Sounds like the Board did, Brian -- the Board that you recently resigned from, right ;-)))... the board that always has trouble finding enough members to serve.

Seriously, do you want the Board to present every small and medium item to the membership for discussion and vote. That's why we gotta board, no? Geez, we can't even get 30 members to come to a meeting, or just to vote online on something pretty important, like whether to publicly oppose MA's seriously harmful proposed kayaking law.

BTW, I think the new logo candidates are a huge step up from the old one. If the very busy board has time for that, more power to 'em, I say. I assume it didn't take much of their time, except for Heidi's very generous design effort.

(Did Derek really design the old one -- that would explain some things. ;-)))


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>...the Board did...

This is entirely his point. He felt that there are higher priorities that the board should be spending their time on. Such feedback from the members should be encouraged and considered by the board and membership. Otherwise it can begin to look like the board is acting on an agenda more or less orthogonal to the membership. Those who haven't expressed similar sentiments probably assume more important matters are taking more time to work out so haven't been announced. Its hard to judge when the news on TLT, for instance, is "we're working on it".

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After reading the various responses to the subject of logo change, perhaps WebAdmin would be willing to make an effort to quell the perceived discontent. Along the protocol of my recently-attended NH Town Meeting, I would respectfully make a motion that the Article be reconsidered (even though the polls have closed).

My $0.02:

1. Offer 3 choices of logo as suggested; (new) triangle, (new)circle, or no change.

2. Set a deadline of April 1, to allow participation of members who may visit this site infrequently.


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Another thought on the logo issue. Once a design is decided upon how about including a car decal with each membership. I have no idea what the cost of a sticker is but it would be a good way to promote the club.

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