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Sad Delphin Needs Repair

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So my recently purchased used Delphin 155 now has a hole punched in it, due to a surfing collision with another kayaker at Nahant today. No one was hurt and the other guy's boat is fine. We each think it was our fault :-) But it was probably mine, because I'm a surfing novice. Anyway...

Right after the collision, none of us could even see this hole. So I'm pretty sure the punched-in tab of plastic can be repositioned so the hull is smooth again, it probably just got deformed from the subsequent paddling later in the day.

Anyone have any suggestions on how best to repair it?



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Bill Vonnegut repaired a hole in a plastic boat in Baja.  If you get no satisfactory response here, you might email him with a photo of the injury. He's well used to repairing plastic boats - and keeps a blowtorch and bits of a cut up plastic boat he uses for repairs.

Good luck!




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Joel at New England Small Craft on Route 1 in Rowley does plastic boat repair.  Looks like he is closing the shop (he's been saying he would for years), but is still doing repairs by appointment.  You could also call P&H; they're always helpful.  For that matter, Carl Ladd is everybody's go to guy for great fiberglas repairs...wonder if he does plastic?  He does carry P&H.

Joe, I said you could borrow my boat if you like.  Might be changing my mind on that...

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  • 4 weeks later...


The tool that might meet your need is a plastic welding gun--small hot air gun with tips that you can feed plastic rod through to do the repair.   For example:


Many others on the market.  Good luck.


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