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New Year's Day - Boston Harbor


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Planning to paddle New Year's Day, and the Boston Harbor Islands might be a nice place to go. HT @ 10:07am and LT @ 4:15pm, probably launch from "ramp/beach" on Morrissey Blvd. (click for details) around 10am or so. Islands have varied access, so will probably be more of a cruising day with lunch stop TBD. Would hope to return no later than 4pm, but am open to options.

Post interest, suggestions, or comments here and I will follow up beginning of next week as forecast starts to coalesce.

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First off, I had the tide times (at Moon Head) backwards - low tide is at 10:07am and high tide is at 4:15pm. Forecast currently calling for partly sunny with a high of barely 40 degrees. West winds are likely, perhaps around 10 knots give or take, but watch forecast for changes. A full day's paddle might be to Georges Island for lunch (12-14nm), while a more conservative route might only make it to spectacle Island (6-8nm). I am always up for an early launch, but will comply with majority wishes. Please confirm intent to paddle by noon Thursday and send float plan info (Vehicle & plate, boat & colors, e-contact) via PM or RobertFolster at verizon dot net.

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I,m happy with an early launch. Is there anywhere that gives actual dirctions to the launch rather than just lat/long coord?

Use the address 586 William T Morrissey Blvd, Boston to get you close enough. My GPS stops at the wrong side of the bridge over the entry to the Dorchester Bay Basin, but the beach is not far north of the bridge. Be aware that it is a pretty stark area, so you may want to consider a "stop" prior to arrival.

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If by early you mean butts in boats at 9 rather than 10, I'm OK with that.

You are right about the address, Rob, but Google Maps places the pointer way off the mark on my screen

Here's the link from your first posting:


Let's decide on distance once we know the winds for sure. I have an elbow that is not yet up for a long day in heavy wind. And I agree with David that 3 would be a good time to take out.
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OK Dave, I should have your float plan information, but I will get back to you if I don't. I want to make sure that I have everyone listed on the float plan, which I expect to send out around 5 PM tonight,so if anyone else is still considering going, please let me know before then (no unannounced show ups, thanks).

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