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Group buy for hatch covers?

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Linda, Michael and I need to replace a bunch of dead Valley hatch covers (at least 12) and we've decided to go with Sea-lect covers instead. Since there are a lot of people in the club with boats with Valley hatches, I was wondering if anyone has thought of doing a group buy so we can get them at a discount? I may be opening a can of worms here, but I thought I'd at least mention the idea. I'm looking into bulk pricing.

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Have you considered the new KS hatch covers for Valley rims? Just another option. FWIW, there is a kayak parts shop in Ossipee, NH (seriously) which stocks the Sealect covers and can order the KS ones. Nice people.

Ed Lawson

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Have you considered the new KS hatch covers for Valley rims? Just another option. FWIW, there is a kayak parts shop in Ossipee, NH (seriously) which stocks the Sealect covers and can order the KS ones. Nice people.

Ed Lawson

I hadn't seen the Kajak Sport covers for Valley rims before and checked them out on their site. They look nice, but I haven't found anyone online who's actually selling them, so pricing is somewhat of a mystery.

I've contacted Sea-Lect and they offer a club purchase program, so if there is interest, the club can join that. I'm also looking at purchasing from them through my business, if the club isn't interested in affiliating with them. Barring either of those two choices, Duckworks has the best prices, but Topkayaker has the ovals on sale for a similar price.

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I have already bought two Sealect covers from very nice people in Michigan, called Riverside Kayaks -- found them per eBay. Very good sellers: I wonder whether they would be interested?

I have not used these Sealect hatch covers <yet>; but anything will be better than the life-expectancy of the original Valleys...I have to buy new ones every two-three years, I would say, whilst the Kayaksport ones on the little, black rolling boat have been in place for -- perhaps five years -- perhaps more? Everyone knows I always use plenty of "303", so it isn't for lack of <that>!

Therefore -- I am thoroughly interested in any group buy.

Ossipee? Now that could be worthwhile, couldn't it? Little transportation to take into account, perhaps...?

Edited by Pintail
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.... but anything will be better than the life-expectancy of the original Valleys...I have to buy new ones every two-three years, I would say, .....

Have had my original covers since 2003, and are holding up qute nicely, though stored in garage most of the time , or outside on rack in summer, atilt such that covers are aimed downward. I suppose that might make a big difference re: UV exposure. 303 is applied X3 during summer months. Anyone else with a "success" story?


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It seems that older covers were more durable and I recall reading something about VCP switching to a lower VOC manufacturing process a few years back. That apparently affect durability adversely and there have been a lot of reports of molding defects, too. Between Linda, Michael and me, we currently have six boats with VCP hatch covers, all of which are stored either indoors (5) or under cover outdoors (1). When I checked them all this past weekend (some hadn't been used in a while), of the 17 Valley hatch covers (I have one Sea-lect cover on one boat), there was exactly one that didn't show any cracking. That was an oval cover that I replaced a couple of years ago. Most of the round covers had fallen apart (the centers fell out and into the boats) and the ovals were badly cracked.

There is simply no way that I'm going to pay for more of this junk, especially considering that Valley covers are more expensive than Sea-Lect. I'm currently exploring multiple sources for Sea-Lect covers and will report back once I have more information. Who in the club would be in charge of deciding if NSPN wants to work directly with Sea-Lect?

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Gary, you only apply 303 <three times>, during the summer? Good heavens, man: I use the stuff almost every time I paddle! Truly. ;^) And if <that> doesn't much help my (hatch cover) life expectancy, then I'm in total agreement with the wise BN. I experience exactly the same symptoms: cracking and a falling out of the centre of the cover -- and yes, they are expensive. (Gary: this is why I carry my boats upside-down)

Is anyone else interested in this topic of conversation and desirous of joining in? If you have Valley hatch covers, you <will> need replacements -- sooner or later...

Edited by Pintail
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I don't have a problem with my hatches, I apply 303 more than Garry less than Sir Christopher. Perhaps I need to keep a boat longer than 3 seasons...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Brian,

Thanks for 'sessing this out -- need 3 round hatch covers for my NDK Pilgrim so interested in group buy --I remember that I ordered hatch covers for my Impex Force 3 from a supplier in NH -- dog something was the name of the company -- good deal and the hatch covers float --lasted a long time --

PS - Say "hi" to Linda for me --miss seeing her on the water --


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Admittedly, I have had some deteriation of my hatch covers over the last decsde. As a preventative measure (perhaps), I recently applied a trail of aquaseal to the deep cracks/crevices on my rear oval (inside and out) and day (outside only) hatches. These cracks follow a pattern of parallelling the periphery, approximately 1 inch in. Despite operating in the same conditions, the front oval is in much better shape. I think I will hold off on the group buy now (said the optimist). I'll try to remember to post follow-up here.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Brian - after a few decades of traveling with my hatch covers on the hatches, I decided after some advice to stow them tethered in the hatch itself because it was safer.

Third time out, I lost my new day hatch cover to my NDK pilgrim. I'm using an old Valley cover from a poor Force 3 which met an ugly demise and it's sure to wear out soon.

Please let me know what you find out about pricing.



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I just found this post like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow! I have to replace hatch covers (a metric F-ton) on 4 boats. is this buy happening?



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Thanks - 30350 it is.

Coming from the UK, I've never had to worry about UV protection before...

As for the hatch covers - I've always used Valley hatch covers on Valley boats - I take it the Sea lect and KS covers fit the hatches on Valley's glass boats, but is the same true of their RM kayaks? (I have one of each)



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