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Portsmouth Saturday 11/01/14


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Looking to explore the greater Portsmouth area on Saturday November 1st. Low tide is around 12:30pm, so a good day to launch from Odiorne (click for info) and seek out current, rocks, navigation or any combination thereof. Conditions remain to be seen, but typically you can expect this to be a Level 3 trip simply due to exposure to open ocean. Even if conditions allow for Level 2 participation, cold weather/water clothing will be required. Water temps are now in the mid 50's and will continue to slowly decline.

As many of you know, I am training for the BCU 4* Leadership Award, so I will be taking opportunities to lead the group through challenging spots, as well as work on some incident management (participation will be voluntary). The oversight of 4* or 5* paddlers would be extremely helpful, so if any are available, I would really appreciate the feedback during the trip. This will still be a CAM trip since I don't necessarily need to lead the entire day, so the group should familiarize themselves with the area, tides, currents, and weather.

I propose we meet at 9:30am for a beach briefing to launch by 10am and be back between 3-4pm. Depending on group skills and participation interest, we can work on current in the Piscataqua or at the local bridge abutments, rock play down the coast towards Wallis or Rye, or head out to Whaleback for some navigation. Please post interest here, and send your float plan info to me via PM or email at robertfolster at verizon dot net.

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We have gotten a 5* aspirant to assist with the leadership evaluation (not to say we can't have more) and already have one other participant, so this trip is officially on. Now let's hope for good weather and conditions!

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Weather is looking like it might give us a challenge on Saturday with the probability of a rainstorm, and possibly even snow. It will be cold (upper 30's to lower 40's), with moderate wind and rough seas mostly in the form of wind chop, not swell. I am NOT cancelling the trip at this time, but instead just making sure everyone is aware of what is going on, and the potential that the plans for the day may change in order to maintain safety for the group. Stay tuned..........

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Looks like NAM and GFS just (1200Z1130) wobbled the storm a bit seaward, so the trip looks tractable to me. Mel and I would like to come. Let us know a meeting time (Odiorne?). BTW, she's shopping for a boat and intersted in briefly demoing a Cetus LV and/or MV. Any opportunity for a brief demo would be very welcome.

Oh, and could anyone suggest a breakfast place near Odiorne?

Edited by josko
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The feasibility of the trip is currently under question due to weather conditions.

I will not be available next weekend, but don't let that stop you!!

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Well, despite our hopes for a more favorable track in the coming storm, it has become apparent that this weekend is just not a good weekend to be out on the water, no matter where you go. As Josko so delicately put it in a separate conversation: "Not even a destroyer would leave port tomorrow unless it absolutely had to."

Thanks to everyone for trying to help out - maybe next time.

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I'm officially out, in case you were wondering. I was beginning to wonder what the group limits were and whether I could match em.

Mel, btw, I never chimed in but I do have a Cetus MV and was going to grant a test drive. Next time.

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