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Posts posted by dcycleman

  1. Would anyone be interested in practice sessions in NH? I paddle the merrimack out of hooksett weekly and the current isn't bad. other spots would be fine too, robinson pond in hudson comes to mind or cobbetts pond in windham. I would love to get skill practice in during the week, but the ones offered are kinda far for me. Anybody else?

  2. Dave, welcome to the club!! Glad to see that your lurking has led you to officially join us. You might have already realized that you will get out of the club what you put into it, so definitely seek out the summer practice sessions and other opportunities as they come along. As the season starts to get under way and trips become available, make sure that you check the posted trip levels against the descriptions as posted on the "Paddling With NSPN" page of the website to make sure that you will be comfortable with the trip plan. If you are unsure, you can always contact the trip organizer for verification.

    You sound like you might be at the exact point Cathy and I were just a few years ago, where we had only done river paddling, and found NSPN when looking towards the ocean. It is quite a different world out there, and we can definitely help you make the transition, so please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need help with something. Looking forward to seeing you on the water, and I hope you find it as exciting as the rest of us do.

    Hey Rob, Yup you pretty much nailed it, lots of time on rivers, almost none in the ocean. Thanks for the heads up about the trip levels, Ill def be aware of that. Hope to see you on the water too man- thanks for the welcome

    Hi, Dave, and welcome! Just wanted to point out, in case you missed it, the "New to Sea Kayaking Workshop" coming up soon. Besides the sea kayaking basics we will have an array of different types of gear and the camping guys are going to set up, too, which is why I thought of it when reading your post.


    Hey Lisa, Thanks I will be attending that for sure!

    Hello Dave & Welcome!

    Thanks Katherine!


    Welcome to NSPN. I particularly enjoyed reading your post and your interest in ocean island camping. Kayak camping is very much a passion of mine! I do hope you will consider attending the April 24 workshop on Kayak Camping as well as the May 10 workshop on New to Kayaking. At the May 10 workshop please visit the Camper's Corner to see and hear about ocean island camping.

    Dave, please be certain to seek me out at each workshop and introduce yourself. Also, take a moment to visit my profile on the member's section of this website. The member's profile serves as an excellent way to help us to introduce ourselves to each other and to find like minded paddlers.


    Hey Warren, Yeah I am excited to do some island camping, I did a bunch of camping trips on the CT river last year, they have a bunch of really awesome sites along the river. I'm thinking getting on the ocean will be even better! Yup I will check out both workshops, Ill look forward to talking to you. Ill check out the members section as well- thanks!!

  3. Thanks for the welcome Peter and Prudence. Def look forward to getting the chance to paddle with you folks! And I will keep my eye open for those skill sessions as well, they sound like a wealth of information.

  4. Hey my name is Dave,

    I just joined this community, though I have been reading some of the useful info here for some time. I just wanted to say hello, I hope to meet people to kayak with and learn from. I haven't been paddling that long, but I definitely caught the bug. I am currently paddling a wilderness systems tsunami 165 poly and I just picked up a P&H bahiya that I haven't had in the water yet. Ive done almost all my trips on lakes and rivers, and a little in the ocean, but I would like to do a bunch of ocean island camping/trips. Anyway-Hello

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