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Everything posted by BillyD

  1. I will miss Gene. I guess we all will miss him. I did not share as much time with him on the water as many of you, but had tremendous respect for him and for what he had to say. He really was a gentleman and a scholar (autodidact). Thankyou Leon(Biff)... for the well chosen words and photo. RIP Gene
  2. So much entanglement lately in the news...at least 10 right whales in the Gulf of Maine this season alone....On a positive note I'll keep an eye out for that eagle...
  3. Thank you all for the feedback....just what I was looking for. As for the value of floatable tech...points well taken. I'm now thinking of maybe tethering my DVD's too....ha.
  4. Hi all, Anyone have experiential knowledge to share about the various brands of floatable (PFD pocket sized) VHF radios with DSC/GPS features? IComm, West, Cobra, Standard Horizon or Lowrance.......quite a range in cost. Wondering how they've been performing. Time for me to upgrade, The McMurdo is over 5 years old and my little VHS doesn't float. I am mostly looking at the additional DSC feature as I already have a Garmin for specific GPS needs. Recommendations anyone?
  5. Yep, me too Did the same thing to my old Xplore on Malone J's with some added foam pads...not to tight, but way too much time in the racks that summer. Glad to hear some of the solutions, as I have only tried the sun heat method to no avail.....
  6. I paddle Cape Cod Bay often and in all seasons Recently, I have been less likely to spend any time near seals during jaws season., especially dawn or dusk. I once thought the shark that followed me near Wellfleet 4 or so years ago could have only been a basking shark. I then believed that whites were not active in the bay much, but were prowling on the grey seal population on the backside from Monomoy to Ptown. Then the girls got dumped by one a couple years back off Manomet. Next thing, last years tracking data showed one coming into Wellfleet Landing. So now I realize they could be anywhere, and probably have been for quite some time. So, I guess now I'm just more vigilant. I also go over what I might do in various contact scenarios in my head more often. I don't know if this would really help in the face of random violent chaos. But it certainly stokes awareness. The Conservancy's FB page is pretty cool to follow....https://www.facebook.com/atlanticwhiteshark/ Yep, certainly gonna be more and more
  7. I'm so sorry I missed this thread originally.....fascinating to know btw...is #4 a flatulent joke?
  8. Glad to hear you survived the havoc without serious incident, Christopher.....a weather caution worth noting..thankyou
  9. Thanks 4runner for the info...also have heard from a few folks. .It is public access by all accounts....and a beautiful spot to hang a little pre/post paddle
  10. Hi folks.. Anyone have current knowledge about access for put in at Jones Wharf to the Annisquam..I've only paddled out of there in the off season. Specifically..is it a local resident seasonally posted deal or a general public access all year?...I.would be headin out around 6AM return maybe 11.....thanks in advance for any info
  11. Thanks Doug...I remember seeing you in the Delphin At Pavillion in Ipswich awhile ago and was hoping to hear how the boat worked out for you. Happy Paddlin BD
  12. Any experiential wisdom out there regarding putting a 215-220 lb paddler into a 155 Delphin? I'm thinking of picking one up for surf/play and also to use as a guest boat for beginning friends in local estuaries and such. Any and all commentary appreciated. thanks BillyD
  13. Thanks again for the brainfood John.... the animation link is remarkable
  14. If I had Nanook's kayak (from Doug's post), I would take two cadets and a virgin with me.to help me get my bearings back. Thanks again John for sharing with us all BD
  15. Thanks for the help Cathy and Rob......worked like a charm this time around, I think the problem was I was confusing the mini January calendar found below December with the active January calendar,,,,found it right away with your navigation help.
  16. Help Please Shucks, I'm having a wee bit of trouble navigating the webpage....can't seem to find the workshop on a calendar I'd do the "I'm attending" thing if I could.....I'd like to RSVP for me.
  17. So glad to have this book....endless fascination thankyou John
  18. Thanks again Leon...Seriously.....my attempt to inject humor is in no way meant to diminish the practical value of your post.... I suspect I speak for many when I say that my interest in kayaking has been greatly enriched by the conversations you get started on the NSPN board. I can hardley wait for the next one BD
  19. Dear Dan.....do not underestimate the interest (over 300 reads at this posting).....some, like myself are reluctant to post, not being fluent in the physics parlance. But, I'm thinking I can follow this string. and concur with the apparent conclusion. Thanks to Leon for the brain teaser and all resonders for joining in the fun. One request, however......Dan, is it possible to convert that "strange unit" into Henways instead of Watts?
  20. Yep, you're right Leon...sometimes I do that...Lanes Cove is one of my favorite places to launch Was just curious about an alternative launch to hide from the wind sometimes (equinox rumination).....and get directly into the marsh for a little flood tide bird/critter stalking I think I saw a kestrel there Sat eve???? Stopped by the PD on the way It is what it is......as posted (all year) Really nice of them to clear that road siding though....not too far a walk on a nice day I wonder, as Bob suggested, whether it will be there in snow season??? thanks....BD
  21. thanks Bob and Christopher.. I will follow Pintail's perfectly pragmatic pointer.....this evening BD
  22. Does anyone know if there is any seasonal change in the enforcement of the revised (2011) parking situation at Conomo?......With the cool weather, I would imagine congestion is not so much of a problem for the locals.....In the older days one could launch at Clammers and park just off the road (not in the "lot")... just a little ways back down the road, without getting in the way of any clammers launching/loading. any comments helpful...thanks BD
  23. I confess to being the illusion. Watching and nodding as the tide slowly turned the boats moored and mirrored in the moonlit water kept me there awhile. I was a little tuckered out and perhaps a little sleepy eyed when I finally got on my way.....so sorry to have missed greeting you all upon your return.
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