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Posts posted by spuglisi

  1. Dear folks: Remember when you first started kayaking? I just joined and paid my dues. I am a complete novice with basically no knowledge of anything I need to know. I am reading a lot of kayaking books, but need to know how to start:

    1-should I sign up for outdoor Charles River kayak lessons as soon as I can? Or, are there other lessons I should take?

    2-what model boat (beginner??) should I start looking to buy?

    3-should I attend NSPN pool sessions?

    4-is it OK to ask if someone from NSPN would mentor me (just some advice once in a while)?

    I am retired with some time on my hands and a desire to ultimately paddle around the Maine Island trail area. I am the type that wants to learn to do this properly so I have some fun and can be safe at the same time. I want to learn all the sea kayaking skills both mental and physical.

    So, how do I start?/ THANKS IN ADVANCE// Bob


    Welcome to the club!

    In the spring NSPN puts on a "New to sea kayaking" workshop. The workshop is free to members and non-members alike. It will be a good place to gather information on safety, boats, equipment, safety, places to paddle, safety, to meet others to paddle with....and ...did I mention safety?

    Also, once we have enough evening daylight there will be postings for lake, skill sessions scattered around the area. You shouldn't have any trouble finding people willing to give you advice and help you develop some basic skills.

    What area do you live in?

    See you on the water,

  2. Once upon a time I used to faithfully wash my boats after use. I did so even in the winter on the roof of my car. Then once I went to a car wash in the winter and washed it off and the boat froze to the roof. I pulled the straps hard and the boat finally came off. Unfortunately it came off with force and flew off the roof of the car and broke my mirror off. The boat was undamaged though which was a lucky thing. Of course it was a lot of money to fix the mirror. Instead I just screwed it back on and it made the wind whistle through the car horrendously as it was a Subaru. The screws rusted and looked ugly and I sold the car, which was a good thing.

    Ever since that winter episode, I never, ever, even consider washing off any of my boats.



    You always have the best stories :) Too bad that the hard knocks award is such a recent institution. I think you'd have definitely qualified.

  3. Launched on the flood tide from Pavilion Beach Ipswich this morning.

    Beautiful day and I was hopeful that with the cold temps and snow up north that there might be some eagles around. I was not disappointed and actually pleasantly surprised to see 2 adult Bald Eagles sitting side by side in one of the trees on the last point of land on the Sandy Point shore.

    Actually was pretty close before I saw them so veered off over to the Middle Ground area so as not to pester them.

    Nice that in all that area they choose to sit together.

    Tried my luck last week up in Great Bay NH but saw no early arrivals yet, though they are expected most anytime now.

    Just thought I would mention the sighting in case anyone might be interested.

    Nice day to be on the water !

    .....no ice in the sound but expect the rivers flowing into it to be icing over.

    Nice! I was sitting at my computer this morning...the window behind it looks out towards Lake Attitash. I spotted a lone adult bald eagle soaring over the lake. They are definitely back in our area.

  4. How do you calculate the risk of being taken by a crocodile? I think WW kayakers learn to read rivers; and the most skilled are best at that, and can expect to live long exciting lives. It seems like this poor individual was in that category, but was just very unlucky.

    Good point Bob...I've never bothered to properly prepare for confrontations with crocodiles either . :th_bf-bootjesmiley002:

  5. Hi, I think I left my favorite travel mug at Gould Barn. Did anyone happen to see it or pick it up? Or who can I contact at the Barn to see if I can claim it?



    Hmmmmm I seem to recall Christopher looking for the owner of a mug. I'm not sure what he wound up doing with it.

  6. Also you can look into just how the Refuge boundaries extend at low tide.

    Without getting into a big debate on Refuge policies I will say the it's mighty hard to paddle along the ocean side knowing you are not supposed to land, while you watch vehicles and campers driving up and down the shore.

    Aside from emergencies the environmental police and park rangers are very strict about landing on the refuge beach. landing North of the refuge (when conditions allow) should not be a problem. Same for Sandy point.

    As far as the trucks and campers....they are allowed to get special permits for surfcasting.

  7. possible additions..

    Couple individual packages of honey.

    Spread a layer of honey on the wound and wrap with clean gauze. Keep wound clean and dry. & you can eat it to help sleep/calm. Great to sweeten tea, soothe sore throat. Never gets old.

    Piece of a brown paper bag. Form Scab on cut..or stop nosebleed.

    Used to stop bleeding & form scab on a cut. (in place of bandaid). Rip a small piece put on cut..right on the blood to hold. (Great for shaving cuts too).

    Or will stop a nose bleed. Gently blow nose...then cut a 3 inch piece of the bag..Place on the upper lip between gums & cheek..(touching gums only..no teeth). We were taught in our EMT class, to put a rolled up piece of gauze under the upper lip between the lip and gums. One or two minutes it will stop. Gauze, brown paper bag...both work..

    Needle & Thread. Prethreaded OK..might use Fireline fishing line.

    Honey on a wound??

  8. I woke up with the worst case of tennis elbow this morning. At least that's what I think it is after spending a couple of hours of research on the internet. How can this happen? I didn't do anything to cause this as far as I know. I havent paddled since Saturday and it's Thursday already.

    Has this "just happened" to anyone else. Is there a quick cure?

    Need to paddle in 2 days.


    Never just woke up with it but I've had overuse issues. The neoprene forearm straps offer some relief but if it persists for no apparent reason you might want to have it looked at.

  9. Long Sands has some good surf when the waves are right. It is a very gentle beach. LONG walk to the water at Low tide. Short Sands is to the north around the point from Nubble Light, steeper and more dumping but not bad.

    The surf zone restrictions are active only when the lifeguards are there and it's primarily to give the swimmers plenty of space. Now that the swimmers are gone, have at it.

    From my experience with LS, the better waves tend to be on the north and south ends of the beach, less in the middle. I usually park to the south end. I don't use the bath houses so I don't know what the fall hours are.

    Parking meters are usually pulled shortly after Labor day. I haven't been in down there in a few weeks so I don't know if there still up.

    What I like about LS is if the waves are small I can launch the long boat and head up and around the Nubble or over to Short sands to play in the reflecting waves.


    Long sands has good access right from the street. It is a long walk at low tide. Another consideration is that there is virtually no beach at all at high tide.

  10. Emilie and I are headed up to the Popham area tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to arrive there between 9:00 and 10:00. I'm not expected a lot for conditions, but we will be seeking what ever fun we can find. If interested, drop a message and leave a contact. We will have phone/web/email until we bag the phones to get on the water.

    Question: Can we park and launch at the fort that is up the street from the beach?



    That's a good spot to park and launch from. I've been up there a couple of times.

    Have fun.

  11. I will be vacationing in the Hampton Beach and Portsmouth area next week and will have my surfski with me. Anyone paddling around there? What are some good spots to hit?




    Every Tuesday evening a group of us paddles out from Hampton Harbor, congregates north of the jetty on the Hampton side of the river and hopes for some surf. More often than not, we find something to play in. You're more than welcome to join us. We meet at 6 in the parking lot on rte 1A in Seabrook, just south of the Hampton bridge. Look for the vehicles kayaks/racks.

  12. Hi All,

    I have some time off the end of August, and am looking to do a led kayak trip, preferably somewhere in New England, was thinking possibly Maine. I do not want to go alone, and I have done Mountain bike trips where the guides carry all the food/water, do all the cooking, the guests just ride and enjoy. I was wondering if there were similar opportunities in kayaking. What I am looking for is 3 days of kayaking, two nights of camping. Does anyone know of any places that offer such trips that you might recommend? Again, I was thinking the Maine coast, but open to other areas too.



    You might try Lincoln Outdoors at Lincoln canoe and kayak

  13. Friday evening, July 30

    5:30 p.m.

    Seabrook Harbor Launch on Rte 1A

    Several members of the Lake Champlain Kayak Club are coming down to the ocean for the weekend. A few of them are interested in a surfing session at Hampton Beach on Friday evening. All are welcome to join us.


    I'm hoping to make it.

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