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Everything posted by Renee

  1. I couldn't make it today, but am planning on going Friday (boss is on vacation so, when the cat's away.....). Fingers crossed for better weather this weekend than last weekend!! Renee
  2. That sounds great! I have a good chance of making it on Fridays. Can someone send out details/directions about the location of the put-in and parking? Thanks! Renee >I have a suggestion. Walden Weds. and Fri. evenings say >5:00PM Anyone can show up until they close the ramp which is >currently 7:30PM. As the days are longer I hope they might >revise that and stay open later. This should not conflict >with Mystic or Chebacco and people who are interested would >know there is a pretty good chance others will be there as >well. (Practice solo really isn't too much fun!) As far as >weekends or weekdays earlier I'm potentially free to meet >people if they send me an email. Thunderstorms or heavy >downpours, of course, and all bets are off! >Gene
  3. I'd be up for practice at Walden Pond, but can usually only make it on weekends-rarely can I sneak out of work early enough to get on the water. I'm new to kayaking, but took Karen Knight's kayaking class a couple of weeks ago in which we learned some rescue techniques and would welcome the opportunity to practice them if you don't mind working with a beginner. Anyone interested in having practice sessions at Walden Pond like those that occur at Mystic Lake and Lake Chebacco? I work in Cambridge, but live near Walden Pond and can't take my boat to work so it's virtually impossible for me to make the Mystic/Chebacco practice sessions. Renee
  4. Paula, That's fantastic!! Thanks so much. The check's "in the mail". Thanks again! Renee
  5. Is there still room in Karen Knight's class this weekend? I know it's pretty last minute, but I learned about NSPN at the REI demo this past weekend so I just found out about this upcoming workshop. I was "bit" by the kayaking bug this spring while on vacation and this workshop sounds like a great way to get started. Thanks, Renee
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