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Bill Gwynn

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Everything posted by Bill Gwynn

  1. Here is a link to another messsage board with a good thread on the 43wp http://www.paddling.net/message/showThread...vice&tid=337043
  2. Hi Al, This was something that was discussed at length between the BOD, the Risk Committee and the Risk Consultants that reviewed our current operating procedures. The bottom line is that the phrase "Show & Go" was a problem and we really needed to separate show & go's from NSPN so there was NO confusion that these trips have nothing to do with NSPN. It was even suggested that they be completly removed altogether (none of us liked that option). So...the phrase "Private Trips" is the only way we could satisfy all conditions from a Risk and Liability point of view. I'm sure that in time we will all get used to the new phrase and the new message conference area for posting our "private trips".
  3. Big second day...Thats like doing the Blackburn, and then doing it again! WOW!
  4. I don't remember all the race results. I do know I didn't win! Tom said he will post the results on his website soon.
  5. I did miss paddling with you guys, but I had a wonderful day with my wife. We put-in at Pavillion Ipswich at around 1:30, and paddled out through the PIT (nothing happening) then north up the front of Plum Island. We did some practice wet exits and rescues, the water was actually very warm, I would guess mid 60's in the shallows. I was only wearing shorts, and was very comfortable in the water. About 4:00 we started to hear the thunder rumbles, so we bee-lined it back to the beach and loaded up just in time to watch the lightning show.
  6. Congrats to all of you. Truly a great accomplishment.
  7. Mini Cell is the way to go. Very easy to do, and you can carry a small "Surform" tool with you and fine tune the fit to your back on subesquent paddles.
  8. A brief trip report, some others may want to elaborate. We decided to combine the 3 and 4 trips into one large group of 15, we basically follow the planned level 3 route out to Childrens, then to the Gooseberry's, around Bakers, then back to M'head via Eagle and Grays rock. We stopped to play along the way at any place there was some waves. It was a great day! Pics at: http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/061805
  9. The skills sessions are the perfect place to learn and practice the necessary beginner skills. There are always plenty of people willing to offer assistance and advice at the skills sessions. You definetly need to have a farmer jane westsuit 3mm thick. It is probably the most versatile piece clothing you will own. Get one that fits right (tight). You should look into zipper options for women that may make life easier when nature calls. (I'm sure some other women will offer their experiences in this regard) You may think they will be hot, but they really aren't, if you do get hot, it's easy enough to cool off in the chilly ocean water. They are available from any local paddling shop or outdoor rec store. Welcome aboard !
  10. Hi Dee, I have pics from Blackburn 2003: http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/blackburn2003 and 2004: http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/bbcun You are welcome to use any of them.
  11. 240 is very long. I think most of us started with a 230, it seems to be what most shops sell to beginners. It's not a bad length to start with, because most beginners have a lower stroke. As time goes on and your stroke progresses becoming more vertical, going down in size seems to be the norm. Yes, I think that 215 is probably the most common size among us average size males. Of course you could just start with a 215 and a good vertical stroke. Also, there are other factors in choosing paddle length...boat beam, torso dimensions, arm length, and personal preference.
  12. We ran into a fella today that was paddling a boat neither he or any of us could identify. It is a glass boat that he painted all white, it has Valley hatches and a chimp pump. I have posted photos here: http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/boat_quiz
  13. I wore only a F.J. Wetsuit and a long sleeve rash guard today. I went swimming a couple times and spent most of the day in the surf getting wet over and over. Although the water was cold, I wasn't uncomfortable in the water. I hope it's time to put the dry suit away for the season.
  14. Just to clarify the tow out with Les. We did a standard contact tow (no line), she leaned over onto my foredeck facing me as I paddled backwards keeping our boats close together. At one point during the tow out she sat up and held onto my deck lines, but her boat started to sepearate from mine making the tow more difficult, so Scott instructed her to go back to the previous position laying over my foredeck. We thought that the contact tow was the best option because it provided support for the victim rather than just hooking up a tow line and leaving her vulnerable to a capsize.
  15. Hi John, The links to the photos don't work because you were logged in to your account when you copied the links. You need to go to your photos as a regular user (not logged in) and post that link.
  16. You are correct that VCP is changing their kayak line to Valley Sea Kayaks (VSK), but, Valley Canoe Products (VCP) will remain and carry their line of other accessories. VSK does have a new website http://www.valleyseakayaks.com/
  17. Hey Rick, You are welcome to use mine anytime. Just give me a shout and come get it, take it for the day.
  18. Just to clarify, Suz's old boat was an Argonaut (can you say high volume). The boat we are discussing is an Aquanaut (much closer in volume to the Explorer). My take on the Aquanaut is that it is very similar to the Explorer. For me, there were two factors in my choosing the Aquanaut over the Explorer. 1. Transition from edge to edge is smoother, I just really liked the feel. 2. I liked the fit better, the little extra room in the thighs made for a more comfortable ride. PS. Valley is renaming their boats, they will now be called the Aquanaut and the Aquanaut HV (formerly the Argonaut)
  19. Hi David, My Aquanaut was purchased from Tom from his existing inventory. It had a silly plastic seat, which I promptly removed and Tom gave me a Valley foam seat that is quite comfortable. If I was going to order a new boat, I would order it with Valley's NEW and Improved Glass seat. I have Valley's older glass seat in my Avocet and it's very nice. Their newer seat is the same, but just a little longer for better thigh support. I have heard good things about it. If you find you don't like the glass seat, it can always be removed and you can do something custom.
  20. 9:30 AM... Driving to the beach...I round the last corner waiting for my first glance at the conditions, as I look out to the ocean...holy crap!!! I'm sure glad we are meeting at the other end of the beach where the conditions are much more manageable. Our regular crew was there as well as a whole bunch of the Sing surf crew. I would guess we had about 15 of us, and then another few WW folks we didn't know as well as a couple stand-up surfers and kite surfers. Conditions were about as good as we could have hoped for. Really nice 3-5 footers providing good rides for the more experienced, but not to scary for us newbies. I took my Cobra Strike surf SOT out for it's maiden session. Quite a difference compared to my long boats. I actually had directional control, with the ability to stay in the pocket for nice long rides. I'm hooked on surfing small boats. Pictures can be seen at: http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/052205
  21. I figured I would show up for this paddle to simply provide the entertainment for the day. As usual, I was able to come through with one of my many "Stupid Kayak Tricks". Today's trick was having my boat set a course without me in it. Yes...I did have to swim to get it back, as the others laughed and took pictures (i'm sure my brother will be posting those later this evening). It was a good paddle that included several dozen seals surrounding us out at the dry breakers just East of South Gooseberry. I took some pics that can be seen here. http://www.kayakpics.com/gallery/051805
  22. There are several reviews at paddling.net http://www.paddling.net/Reviews/showReviews.html?prod=1449 Including one by bnystrom.
  23. FYI...their web site is back up.
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