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developing L2 paddlers into L3 and beyond...

rick stoehrer

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I've posted the following on the calendar. Please post interest/participation here.

If you're thinking "gosh i'd like to go but i don't know if i'd be a burden...." stop. you aren't. come. this paddle is for you. i believe the intro to paddling workshop is the day before...well, here you go, follow it up.

Need at least one other paddler as an assist - more if large response. Please let me know.

Hope to see you there.

Event Date: 21-April 12 (Single Day Event)

WHERE - Goat Island off of 1B - parking lot on R just after bridge as you come from portsmouth. IT IS NOT A LARGE PARKING AREA and THERE ARE NO FACILITIES....so carpool as much as possible and take care of "your business" before you get there.

WHEN - 0900 we START. get there and get your act together by 0900...we ain't waitin'. trip to be cancelled due to weather SOLELY AT MY DISCRETION. it's protected so it'll probably be fine but it's my call and it might be made on site. you've been warned. Probably go to about 1300/1400 in afternoon....depends on the day and where the group is at. pack a snack/lunch in case.

KIT - bring what you'd normally bring and we'll sort it out - CAUTION - late April in NH...drysuit or at least a dry top is an excellent idea as you will likely be/get/stay wet. if anyone wants to borrow a drytop, i have 2 extra - size XL. bring your own thermal layer for beneath. lemmeknow.

FOCUS - before we get on the water, we'll review what we want to get out of the day. i have no set goals other than to put people at ease and in boats...my idea though is that the focus be L2 skills and if the group can get up to rescues, great, if not, no biggie...we'll all get there. and as it's going to be our first paddle together, no one is going to go crazy with mileage - we'll stay on the inside and most likely just work on strokes.

RSVP - i'll post this under trips - respond there. depending on size, we may have to alter venue to pierces island - while there is an outhouse there (or is in season, not sure if it's year round) it's a PAID lot.


Edited by jason
Edited with the new date.
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Rick (and others who join to assist) - a big thanks for doing this! Robert and I will be there, ready to paddle and learn.


i have been asked by Peter and Scott to change the date to the 21st. i will amend the calendar posting.

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i have been asked by Peter and Scott to change the date to the 21st. i will amend the calendar posting.

We are still available that day and have updated our calendars.

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Bloody heck, the change of dates makes it impossible for me to attend. :headBang:

Have fun!

there will be others katherine so no need to fret. i'll contact the folks that have been kind enough to volunteer and we'll come up with something approaching a curriculum and some dates and go from there. no worries.

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This is great and I will plan to attend but I would recommend one change... Goat Isl is a very small launch site and there is a dingy racing club that meets there on weekends to race in the harbour. They alone pretty much fill any and all available parking. One or two additional cars (as is the usual case) is not a problem, but several will be, and there is no additional/adjacent site parking. I would consider the public launch that is quite close by. There is no charge at that time of year and lots of parking/organization/instruction room. not to mention a portable toilet.

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I would consider the public launch that is quite close by. There is no charge at that time of year and lots of parking/organization/instruction room. not to mention a portable toilet.


Just to be specific, are you referring to the Pierce Island ramp site?

Ed lawson

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Just to be specific, are you referring to the Pierce Island ramp site?

Ed lawson

Goat Island is a separate launch between causeways heading out to Castle Neck


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We've used the Pierce Island site a number of times - if the racing club is, in fact, meeting, it may provide a more suitable launch site. Perhaps Rick had a reason for choosing Goat Island though . . .

. . . 5 minutes later, just saw Rick's origal post mentions changing to Pierce Island if the group gets large enough.
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I'd like to join this paddle. I don't mean to complicate things, but there is always Odiorne, no port-a-pot but plenty of parking.


This lot is normally closed until May or so. There is a locked gate. I haven't been able to find the date they intend to open it so I wouldn't plan trips around it until someone confirms it is accessible.
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Rick, isn't this the exact same date for which PeterB has posted/scheduled a CAM classroom workshop? Hmmm...

This session was moved to the 21st - probably to accommodate the CAM session.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Please send me pm or post interest here so that we can start to get an idea on head count.

This class will focus solely on L2 skills and is unlikely to progress past that...subsequent classes will no doubt advance to lower end L3.

Thanks very much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rick, I’ll just take a moment to say thanks for the effort . You and your colleagues all contribute enormously, and it is appreciated . I will hopefully be able to take advantage of other trips or training as the season progresses.

Thanks again.


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