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Werner paddle question


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Just got a new Werner Ikelos and noticed that there is some play in the ferrule. It's not loose but certainly doesn't feel like a one-piece paddle (I always had WW paddles, not used to two-piece ones). Could anyone using their paddles with new ferrule system please let me me know whether this is normal, or should I get it fixed. Would appreciate your comments/suggestions.


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Mister Duke,

I have several Werner carbon-fiber paddles with the old and the new ferrule system (including the Ikelos).

Before we can help you, you need to answer a few questions.

1. Duke of what? What European court and country? This is in order for us (the mere mortals on this forum) to address you in the proper manner.

2. What kind of play are you talking about? What axis? Is it rotational (twisting) play, or bending at the joint, or pulling the two halves apart (while still locked)?

Please feel free to use as many words as possible to describe exactly and vividly the type of paddle play that bothers you.



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Hi Duke

Any play at all in the ferrule is unacceptable in a brand-new paddle; especially a Werner. I paddle almost exclusively with Werners and I would not accept that. Take it back and get a new one; it will only get worse.


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Hi Duke

Any play at all in the ferrule is unacceptable in a brand-new paddle; especially a Werner. I paddle almost exclusively with Werners and I would not accept that. Take it back and get a new one; it will only get worse.


Hi Jon,

Thank you for your comments. I just called Werner (spoke with Shannon) - they will take care of this. I own(ed) several of their WW paddles and love them; their support is also great, once I broke a blade on a Double Diamond - they fixed it for free two years after the warranty expired.



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