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Kayak Loops for Spare Greenland Paddle


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Where can I get (or how to make) those paddle loops which I see on some kayaks' bows. The loops allow to secure a greenland paddle efficiently.

I have seen two types. Some use a cord with a plastic tubing sheath to keep loop stiff. Others just use a section of 3/16' or 5mm rigging/climbing cord which is relatively stiff, form a loop between RDFs near the bow, and size the loop according to what is needed for the paddle to be slid in and out at the bow easily when under bungees near cockpit. I go with the latter, and I would not suggest using any type of bungee cord for at the bow although some do with a bead or two to make insertion easier.

Ed Lawson

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I have seen two types. Some use a cord with a plastic tubing sheath to keep loop stiff. Others just use a section of 3/16' or 5mm rigging/climbing cord which is relatively stiff, form a loop between RDFs near the bow, and size the loop according to what is needed for the paddle to be slid in and out at the bow easily when under bungees near cockpit. I go with the latter, and I would not suggest using any type of bungee cord for at the bow although some do with a bead or two to make insertion easier.

Using a ball or two on a cord loop is a good idea too, as it makes it very easy to get the paddle under the loop.

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