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sunday 9/19 lanes cove?


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anybody up for a little moderate exercise out of Lane's on sunday? perhaps tool around to the Salvages to hunt seals or Rockport for ice cream, catch the rising se wind for a free ride back in the afternoon? jeff at jeffcasey dot net

:D Yes, Jeff, I am -- what time -- Les

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anybody up for a little moderate exercise out of Lane's on sunday? perhaps tool around to the Salvages to hunt seals or Rockport for ice cream, catch the rising se wind for a free ride back in the afternoon? jeff at jeffcasey dot net

Not sure yet but perhaps me if it's appropriate; that is, I'm might be taking out a beginner (Les. it's Michelle) who'll use one of my boats. The two of us alone would probably head along the beaches towards Plum Island. I think going the other way past Halibut Point might be too risky for Michelle. And she's not even as fast as me (ok, she's kinda slow).

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Not sure yet but perhaps me if it's appropriate; that is, I'm might be taking out a beginner (Les. it's Michelle) who'll use one of my boats. The two of us alone would probably head along the beaches towards Plum Island. I think going the other way past Halibut Point might be too risky for Michelle. And she's not even as fast as me (ok, she's kinda slow).

What time Leon?-Lanes is about 80min. for me from ME. If its afternoon I could join you otherwise I'll just noodle around Gerrish.

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What time Leon?-Lanes is about 80min. for me from ME. If its afternoon I could join you otherwise I'll just noodle around Gerrish.

Yes, probably around noon time. I'll call you. If you're boat is equipped appropriately for the dreaded sponsons then please bring that unmentionable thing. An experiment (factorial with pseudo randomization) is in order.

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anybody up for a little moderate exercise out of Lane's on sunday? perhaps tool around to the Salvages to hunt seals or Rockport for ice cream, catch the rising se wind for a free ride back in the afternoon? jeff at jeffcasey dot net

I've been kayking on Cape Ann for about 10 years but I'm new to Paddlers. I'm intersted in joining this trip. What time are you leaving and where will you put in? Thanks very much.

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I have not heard from Jeff about the launch time. So I will probably get to Lanes around 10:30 and launch shortly after. You are welcome to join me-but I would like to go Jeff's suggested route--


I will be launching around 12-change in plans--Les

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What time Leon?-Lanes is about 80min. for me from ME. If its afternoon I could join you otherwise I'll just noodle around Gerrish.

Gene, I see that you monitoring the BB now, so yes, I plan to arrive at Lanes Cove at noon.

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yup, it appears we have consensed at a noon launch. this is open ocean, limited takeouts. wind likely to pick up in the afternoon enough to make more work, but if we head east first, it will hopefully be at our backs. we'll probably do 10-ish miles, might be more. nobody in charge (CAM), but helpful folks around.

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yup, it appears we have consensed at a noon launch. this is open ocean, limited takeouts. wind likely to pick up in the afternoon enough to make more work, but if we head east first, it will hopefully be at our backs. we'll probably do 10-ish miles, might be more. nobody in charge (CAM), but helpful folks around.

Looks pretty calm and flat to me based on http://www.weather.gov/forecasts/wfo/secto...ineDay.php#tabs

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" nobody in charge (CAM), but helpful folks around."

Does that mean you're abrogating your responsibilities as "initiator" under CAM?

Ask Leon about Thursday and group vs personal trip management....

Don't mean to poke too hard, but CAM does NOT mean "anything goes", including not vetting newcomer attachment.

Wish I could've made this trip, but had to work.

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<snip>"Does that mean you're abrogating your responsibilities as "initiator" under CAM?

Ask Leon about Thursday and group vs personal trip management....

Don't mean to poke too hard, but CAM does NOT mean "anything goes", including not vetting newcomer attachment."


Nobody ever said "anything goes".

Common sense should prevail, under CAM or any other system.

Anybody who calls a trip and doesn't do serious newcomer vetting is assuming that the plans are flexible enough to accommodate anybody who shows up -- a very flexible and friendly frame of mind that isn't always the case, but was today.

If you don't mean to poke too hard, then don't poke.

And, yes, I'm well aware of the trials of the recent IOS trip. One always has the choice of evaluating who shows up, what the conditions are, and opting not to paddle.

Today was very nice....Lane's past Hailbut Point, to Salvages, to Straitsmouth, to Rockport for ice cream (where the three of us became 4 as Leon materialized), and back to Lane's. Excellent day, excellent conditions, excellent company. Thanks to all. Highlight was the big floppy sunfish we saw just off Halibut Point.

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<snip>"Does that mean you're abrogating your responsibilities as "initiator" under CAM?

Ask Leon about Thursday and group vs personal trip management....

Don't mean to poke too hard, but CAM does NOT mean "anything goes", including not vetting newcomer attachment."


Nobody ever said "anything goes".

Common sense should prevail, under CAM or any other system.

Anybody who calls a trip and doesn't do serious newcomer vetting is assuming that the plans are flexible enough to accommodate anybody who shows up -- a very flexible and friendly frame of mind that isn't always the case, but was today.

If you don't mean to poke too hard, then don't poke.

And, yes, I'm well aware of the trials of the recent IOS trip. One always has the choice of evaluating who shows up, what the conditions are, and opting not to paddle.

Today was very nice....Lane's past Hailbut Point, to Salvages, to Straitsmouth, to Rockport for ice cream (where the three of us became 4 as Leon materialized), and back to Lane's. Excellent day, excellent conditions, excellent company. Thanks to all. Highlight was the big floppy sunfish we saw just off Halibut Point.

<_< If you don't mean to poke too hard, then don't poke.

Jeff and I have been paddling with NSPN for over 10 years (Jeff longer than me) and each has taken several leadership training courses before CAM ever started. In addition, over the years we have taken numerous newcomers out on trips and got everyone back to the put-in safely. This Spring, I took out over 20 paddlers with the fine help from friends in NSPN. So, we have a good idea what questions to ask a newcomer. Jeff did ask David his skill level before we departed Lane's Cove.

We never were seperate from each other (that is, no one took off from the others), always within shouting distance of each other, checked in on a regular basis to make sure David was comfortable with the length of the trip and conditions. We shorten the trip once David stated misgivings on the length (from 15 to 10 miles).

We even offered David an opportunity to practice his wet exits once we got back to the put-in at Lanes.

So in other words, Ernie, in relatively calm conditions (some swells but nothing breaking and we kept away from the breaking waves by the shore), we practiced not only CAM but the old school NSPN rules of leadership training.


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we practiced not only CAM but the old school NSPN rules of leadership training.

Or to put it more generally, you were competent paddlers doing what competent paddlers do which included on that trip assuring a paddler just starting out had a good growth experience.

Some of the NSPN members who are skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced dedicated a good deal of their valuable paddle time this Spring to provide what I am sure were excellent learning opportunities. Hopefully this will become an annual event and members will avail themselves of the opportunity to share time on the water with and learn fundamental group paddling skills from competent paddlers.

Ed Lawson

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David, here. My trip with Jeff and Emilie (first with NSPN members) was great. They "vetted" my skills, etc and were very welcoming. Thanks to both of you.

<_< If you don't mean to poke too hard, then don't poke.

Jeff and I have been paddling with NSPN for over 10 years (Jeff longer than me) and each has taken several leadership training courses before CAM ever started. In addition, over the years we have taken numerous newcomers out on trips and got everyone back to the put-in safely. This Spring, I took out over 20 paddlers with the fine help from friends in NSPN. So, we have a good idea what questions to ask a newcomer. Jeff did ask David his skill level before we departed Lane's Cove.

We never were seperate from each other (that is, no one took off from the others), always within shouting distance of each other, checked in on a regular basis to make sure David was comfortable with the length of the trip and conditions. We shorten the trip once David stated misgivings on the length (from 15 to 10 miles).

We even offered David an opportunity to practice his wet exits once we got back to the put-in at Lanes.

So in other words, Ernie, in relatively calm conditions (some swells but nothing breaking and we kept away from the breaking waves by the shore), we practiced not only CAM but the old school NSPN rules of leadership training.


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David, here. My trip with Jeff and Emilie (first with NSPN members) was great. They "vetted" my skills, etc and were very welcoming. Thanks to both of you.

(oops.... David means Leslie (aka 'swearing ferret') Beale, not Emilie.)

see you on the water again soon, I hope, David.

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Casey-san and Res-san (Beare-san? Fellet-san?): sorry I was not around to meet you -- you know I would have joined you, had I been at home. However, my absence gave you one less paddler to worry about, didn't it? You might have had to rescue me from...who knows what?! B)

(I <was> paddling, however; but in warmer waters!)

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Casey-san and Res-san (Beare-san? Fellet-san?): sorry I was not around to meet you -- you know I would have joined you, had I been at home. However, my absence gave you one less paddler to worry about, didn't it? You might have had to rescue me from...who knows what?! B)

(I <was> paddling, however; but in warmer waters!)

we had no worries, and you would not have caused any. you may have added to our imposing numbers when we called an attack on the tourist schooner just outside the inner harbor at Rockport (it was, after all, "talk like a pirate day"). they nevertheless surrendered unconditionally, so i guess we didn't need the additional weaponry of laser-like glare off of your polished pate. glad you had a good time in your warmer climes.

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