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Annual Members Meeting and Paddle: Sunday September 27th


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The NSPN Annual Members Meeting and paddle will be on Sunday Sept 27th at the Gould Barn in Topsfield, from 9AM to 12 noon. All NSPN members are welcome and encouraged to attend!

This event is on the calendar.

There will be some refreshments and a short social hour, followed by a review of the past year, during which NSPN finances, , membership, activities will be covered, after which members can share any questions, ideas, concerns, requests(for workshops, trips, activities CAM) etc

As you can imagine, past meetings have engendered some lively discussion.

Just as important, we will paddle afterwards! This is a great time of the year to paddle, and the last chance in 2009 for NSPN’ers to paddle en masse. Pavilion beach is about a 20 minute drive away, and we’ll meet there (as close to noon as possible) for an autumn paddle. Trip details will be posted in the “trips†forum in the next few days.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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