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road trip? Sakkonet point Saturday?

Phil Allen

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Anybody wanna join Lorrie and I for a road trip down to sakkonet (sp?) point in RI on Saturday. We're likely to find warmer water, some swell to make rock play or small scale surfing interesting. This would likely be a L3 trip with the intent of finding conditions. Helmets and rescue skills would be appropriate.


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Anybody wanna join Lorrie and I for a road trip down to sakkonet (sp?) point in RI on Saturday. We're likely to find warmer water, some swell to make rock play or small scale surfing interesting. This would likely be a L3 trip with the intent of finding conditions. Helmets and rescue skills would be appropriate.


what time heading down and what time heading back? i have a furlough for tomorrow morning/early aftrenoon...

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Anybody wanna join Lorrie and I for a road trip down to sakkonet (sp?) point in RI on Saturday. We're likely to find warmer water, some swell to make rock play or small scale surfing interesting. This would likely be a L3 trip with the intent of finding conditions. Helmets and rescue skills would be appropriate.



I'm interested, depending somewhat on the time.


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Just checked the surf(ers) forecast for tomorrow and I'm going to cancel this trip. It's waist to head hi (3-6')in the afternoon depending on beach orientation and I'm not quite ready to drag you all down there for a potential thrashing. I'll try to do this again soon when it's a little mellower for the crowd.


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