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Essex Bay 7/25 PICS


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The boat with the blue deck started life as a Seguin, designed by Rob Bryan of Woolwich, ME. Stitch and glue, 4mm ply/glass, about 40#.

Bob Cornell and I built a pair of them the winter of 1994, then in 2006 I chopped the deck off mine and lowered it ~2" to make it a better "Greenland" boat. A few months later Bob did the same to his, but he gave his a different color scheme.

It is a good rolling boat and fairly fast, but it doesn't edge and turn as effortlessly as my Romany, so it gets little use. The paddler is Julie Huang, a summer intern at the shop where Bob and I work. She has been in a kayak about 6 times, but she can already stand up in that boat and is halfway to having a roll! It's just NOT FAIR! :D


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  • 3 weeks later...


I just learned of this thread.

I am flattered to see others are following in my steps and putting saws to their Seguin as well.


you must have liked the color of the Chupacabras as well....




did you retain the skeg on yours after the chop?

Michael Silvius in Scarborough, Maine

The boat with the blue deck started life as a Seguin, designed by Rob Bryan of Woolwich, ME. Stitch and glue, 4mm ply/glass, about 40#.

Bob Cornell and I built a pair of them the winter of 1994, then in 2006 I chopped the deck off mine and lowered it ~2" to make it a better "Greenland" boat. A few months later Bob did the same to his, but he gave his a different color scheme.

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I had lost track of your posting of the chopping of your Seguin. Was it on the Pond Scum website? I was quite taken with your idea, though, since my Seguin had been gathering dust ever since I bought my Explorer.

Bob Cornell, with whom I'd built 2 Seguins in '94, also cut his down after mine turned out successful.

Originally our boats were painted Pine Green and Grand Banks Beige, one color on deck and the other on the hull, reversed for the other boat. Very tasteful, but one day while crossing the channel of the Merrimack I realized that if I capsized, my boat would be perfectly invisible in the water. Not good!

So I resolved to paint the hull something brighter if I ever got the chance.

The chance came when I decided to chop the deck down, following your example which you showed me at Walden Pond.

Actually, the colors I was after were more like a boat of Wayne Horodowich's, with a dark blue deck and a sunset orange hull, but when I tried to mix orange from yellow and red all I got was a slckly salmon color, so I stuck with the yellow.

Consequently Bob's boat got the leftover red paint, trimmed with black and some bold yellow safety stripes on the bottom.

I'm sorry I had forgotten your name, but I have always given credit to "some guy in Maine" from whom I got the idea of lowering the deck.

It was a great idea!

Unfortunately, the boat still gathers dust, since I picked up a used Romany for use as a rocks boat and have paddled nothing else since. But Julie needed a loaner boat so I foamed out the cockpit to fit her and that's what you see in Doug's pictures.

Somehow I suspect that the photographer was more interested in the paddler than the boat... B)

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I knew you name sounded familiar, though I can't connect it with a face right now. But obviously we met at the Pond.

Nancy Hill now has the yellow Chupacabras and it makes frequent visits to the pond as I understand. I was not using it as it really was ideal for a 150lb paddler. My 185 sinks the aft deck. It is a narrowed and chopped Seguin and is only 17" wide on deck and 15" at the chines. Nancy is having fun with it. I still have the green decked original chopped Seguin that how has an orange hull.

I did retain the base of the skeg trunk in mine and just capped it. I threw a piece of HDPE cutting board in there and it sticks out about an inch just enough to help but not get in the way. Before I chopped it it really did not need the skeg but given the proportion of hull above the water in the front vs the aft now after the butchery it seems to like having that little bit of skeg there when the wind is quartering.

I think Nancy posted some photos of the Chupacabras on the Pond scum site. I only have it on the webshots pages.

Will try to make it down to the pond perhaps Sept 26.

As for good looking ladies in kayaks.... well what can I say.. were I not married it might get my attention as well....



I had lost track of your posting of the chopping of your Seguin. Was it on the Pond Scum website?

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