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Options for paddling Cape Ann this sunday


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:D Okay, we've got people interested in doing a SLOW trip around the Cape with two stops (at least) --one near Straitsmouth Island (there's a little beach near the island in Rockport)--the other Lane's Cove and, if needed a third stop--TBD while paddling the river--some people will leave their car at GHS to avoid the canal--

The second option: People can leave their car at Lane's Cove as part of David's shuttle option and only do a partial circumnavigation--

For those who want to go even slower than the majority--Leon volunteered (if he goes) to paddle slowly with that group--

The third option is Brace--but that trip is for the more hardy souls among us--

To organize this trip and to meet everyone's needs, expect a beach briefing before launching--

This trip requires dress for immersion clothing--


AKA Swearing Ferret

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I am very interested. One question about your comment "This trip requires dress for immersion clothing". I have a shortie wetsuit, a "farmer John" wetsuit which I hate to wear, and other various kayak clothing. Will the shortie wetsuit be enough to meet what you said? Please explain.

If I can meet the dress code, I would like to go for the full circumnavigation.

Bob K.

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I am very interested. One question about your comment "This trip requires dress for immersion clothing". I have a shortie wetsuit, a "farmer John" wetsuit which I hate to wear, and other various kayak clothing. Will the shortie wetsuit be enough to meet what you said? Please explain.

If I can meet the dress code, I would like to go for the full circumnavigation.

Bob K.

The decision is yours, of course. But with the water temps still hovering under 50F, a full-length-weight (3mm, or at least 2.5) farmer john plus a dry top is normally considered the minimum "dress for immersion". A neoprene shirt (like a hydroskin) might be OK in place of the dry top. A dry suit is actually the standard until the water gets into the 50s, but a wet suit plus top will often do.

That said, this varies somewhat with the individual, but a swim in under-50F water without some real protection will be extremely uncomfortable for anybody, and depending on how quickly you get out of the water, possibly quite dangerous. The rough rule (often mis-stated) is called 50-50-50 -- an unprotected (that is, without a wet or dry suit) swim in 50 degree water for 50 minutes leaves you a 50% chance of survival (yes, survival!). But even 5 minutes will leave you in pretty bad shape, and of course, the first seconds will be a helluva shock.


Water temps here -- http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/250.html

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The "Brace option" is not a complete circumnavigation. It goes from Lane's Cove as far as Brace Cove and back, ~20 nm, thus "hardier souls". Of course, with any trip this can be shortened because someone finds it more than they can handle. The most likely option would be to judge fitness and perhaps get a tow part of the way back if you run out of gas. Participants might consider bring adequate clothing to "hunker down" for someone to pick them short of the goal. It might be possible to use the "shuttle option" but I'd consider that too complex to coordinate. There are no confirmed participants.

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The "Brace option" is not a complete circumnavigation. It goes from Lane's Cove as far as Brace Cove and back, ~20 nm, thus "hardier souls". Of course, with any trip this can be shortened because someone finds it more than they can handle. The most likely option would be to judge fitness and perhaps get a tow part of the way back if you run out of gas. Participants might consider bring adequate clothing to "hunker down" for someone to pick them short of the goal. It might be possible to use the "shuttle option" but I'd consider that too complex to coordinate. There are no confirmed participants.

OK, I'd really like to do the circumnavigation so the "Brace Option" is not for me. As a year round paddler and runner, I'm confident that if we have the conditions that are forecasted, paddle with the tides in our favor, and stop for lunch I can easily complete it. If it gets a little squirrelly in the canal think I'll be OK because I have some tidal race experience and a roll.

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Aha! How encouraging to see that Boston buoy is apparently up to 50F already -- whoopee!

Sid, don't worry about "the cut" -- it's only a few yards' worth of current -- and shouldn't it be <with> us, in any case? :D

Are you coming down for this, EEL? And perhaps we can tempt Mr. Condon out?

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Thanks for the tip. After I moved last year, I had thrown away the farmer john wetsuit, which leads me only with a shortie. That said, I do not think it is a good idea that I join you on Sunday.

I hope you have a wonderful trip, and maybe next time when the water is warmer I will join you.

Bob K

The decision is yours, of course. But with the water temps still hovering under 50F, a full-length-weight (3mm, or at least 2.5) farmer john plus a dry top is normally considered the minimum "dress for immersion". A neoprene shirt (like a hydroskin) might be OK in place of the dry top. A dry suit is actually the standard until the water gets into the 50s, but a wet suit plus top will often do.

That said, this varies somewhat with the individual, but a swim in under-50F water without some real protection will be extremely uncomfortable for anybody, and depending on how quickly you get out of the water, possibly quite dangerous. The rough rule (often mis-stated) is called 50-50-50 -- an unprotected (that is, without a wet or dry suit) swim in 50 degree water for 50 minutes leaves you a 50% chance of survival (yes, survival!). But even 5 minutes will leave you in pretty bad shape, and of course, the first seconds will be a helluva shock.


Water temps here -- http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/250.html

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The decision is yours, of course. But with the water temps still hovering under 50F, a full-length-weight (3mm, or at least 2.5) farmer john plus a dry top is normally considered the minimum "dress for immersion". A neoprene shirt (like a hydroskin) might be OK in place of the dry top. A dry suit is actually the standard until the water gets into the 50s, but a wet suit plus top will often do.

That said, this varies somewhat with the individual, but a swim in under-50F water without some real protection will be extremely uncomfortable for anybody, and depending on how quickly you get out of the water, possibly quite dangerous. The rough rule (often mis-stated) is called 50-50-50 -- an unprotected (that is, without a wet or dry suit) swim in 50 degree water for 50 minutes leaves you a 50% chance of survival (yes, survival!). But even 5 minutes will leave you in pretty bad shape, and of course, the first seconds will be a helluva shock.


Water temps here -- http://www.wunderground.com/MAR/AN/250.html

I may be mistaken, but I believe the 50-50-50 rule says that if the water is 50 degrees and you are 50 yards from shore, you have a 50% chance of making it to shore. There is no way anyone could survive for 50 minutes in 50 degree water unprotected.


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I may be mistaken, but I believe the 50-50-50 rule says that if the water is 50 degrees and you are 50 yards from shore, you have a 50% chance of making it to shore. There is no way anyone could survive for 50 minutes in 50 degree water unprotected.


Yeah, you could be right. I see a number of interpretations on the web and never remember which it is.

In any case, 50 degree water is nothing to trifle with. A guy I know jumped unprotected into Walden Pond last weekend intending to swim. He got quite a shock, and then spent 45 minutes in his car with the heater blasting before he thawed out enough to stop shivering. He was lucky!

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OK, Barry and I will spot a car at Lane's, for anyone who wants to launch with everybody from Pavilion but take out sooner (15 statute/13 nautical vs 19/17).

Can I get a show of hands from those who might use this option. No commitment -- you can always opt to go the full route. But this will tell us if we might need a bigger vehicle or a second one.

Post here or send me e-mail -- djlewis at triadic dot com.


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OK, Barry and I will spot a car at Lane's, for anyone who wants to launch with everybody from Pavilion but take out sooner (15 statute/13 nautical vs 19/17).

Can I get a show of hands from those who might use this option. No commitment -- you can always opt to go the full route. But this will tell us if we might need a bigger vehicle or a second one.

Post here or send me e-mail -- djlewis at triadic dot com.


Hi David-If the weather holds for Sunday, I will be attempting the whole trip. However the existence of a bail out opportunity and transportation at Lanes is a welcome feature.

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Have a great day everybody. I wish I could join you. Looks like quite excellent conditions and cool enough not to bake in a dry suit.

I have tickets to Alvin Alley sunday in the afternooon. Someone's birthday request. Yeah, it's really nice but frankly, I way rather be on the water with you all.


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OK, Barry and I will spot a car at Lane's, for anyone who wants to launch with everybody from Pavilion but take out sooner (15 statute/13 nautical vs 19/17).

Can I get a show of hands from those who might use this option. No commitment -- you can always opt to go the full route. But this will tell us if we might need a bigger vehicle or a second one.

Post here or send me e-mail -- djlewis at triadic dot com.


David- Lorrie and I are 50/50 for the day, but would likely also want to spot a car at Lanes.


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David- Lorrie and I are 50/50 for the day, but would likely also want to spot a car at Lanes.


Hi, Phil:

If you plan to paddle with the group, then you are welcome to use ours. Barry is bringing an Explorer, which can haul 5 or 6 of us from Lane's back to our cars at Pavilion at the end of the paddle. So, you can just start from Pavilion as usual.

If you still want your own car at Lane's, Barry and I are meeting at Lane's at 9:15 to do the shuttle. But you (or somebody) will have to drop boats and gear at Pavilion first, since there will be a capacity of two boats from Lane's to Pavilion, or three if we pile 'em up.

Or, find another partner to meet you at Lane's.

Gee, why do I feel like we are playing Missionaries & Cannibals? http://bit.ly/jh0Ou


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<...Barry is bringing an Explorer, which can haul 5 or 6 of us from Lane's...>

I thought you could get <one> in the cockpit of an Explorer, plus perhaps one small one in each major hatch (but day hatch definitely too small)!

Listen you guys (David and Bill): once you are at Lane's Cove, you're almost <around>...what gives? Surely you can complete the circumnavigation after that? And who wrote that Gloucester Harbour is boring? B*llocks! Gloucester Harbour is huge fun and always entertaining...


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I'm totally bummed. Count me out I've been battling a respiratory infection all week after I got back from Texas (I was tested, it's not any kind of flu). I'm not a as chipper today as thought I'd be so desecration is the better part of valor.

Have a ball everyone!!!

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Unfortunately I cannot join in this fun. But, I would be happy to meet people a Lane's Cove and drive the shuttlers back to the put in. This would allow one extra car to be left at Lane's.

You can also phone me if someone needs to bailout sooner and I will swing by to pick them up wherever: Rockport, Whales Cove, etc.

Call me in the morning if you need me.


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Unfortunately I cannot join in this fun. But, I would be happy to meet people a Lane's Cove and drive the shuttlers back to the put in. This would allow one extra car to be left at Lane's.

You can also phone me if someone needs to bailout sooner and I will swing by to pick them up wherever: Rockport, Whales Cove, etc.

Call me in the morning if you need me.


That's a very nice offer, Liz -- thanks! I've got your phone number and will convey it to others as needed.

As far as I know, we are OK with the shuttle, but I'll give you a call if not.


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That's a very nice offer, Liz -- thanks! I've got your phone number and will convey it to others as needed.

As far as I know, we are OK with the shuttle, but I'll give you a call if not.


Aaargh...wish I'd known about this trip earlier...I wouldn't've stayed up 'til 3AM watching an old movie. Hope to join you all soon.


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