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A reliable roll can be useful at times...


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I think someone mentioned that the whale video was faked.

The paddle float reentry is hilarious.

Non-sequitor - where do I go on the website to pay my dues? I couldn't figure it out.


You'll get an e-mail the day before your membership expires. Membership is now for a full 365 days from the day you join. The e-mail will give you the link to rejoin.

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You'll get an e-mail the day before your membership expires. Membership is now for a full 365 days from the day you join. The e-mail will give you the link to rejoin.

You can also go to "Our organization" at the top left of the main NSPN page, then click the "Join NSPN" link. But it would not let me do that until my current 365 days were up.

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Oh man! ~40k views and posted by his son. I'd cut the ungrateful bugger out of my will.

The kid may be risking being disowned and disinherited but he did the right thing by showing this important event to the world. I have to admit to being a skeptic when it comes to paranormal activity but the guy in the kayak was almost certainly channelling the spirit of Lucille Ball. :lol:

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