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Public launches in K'port area

bob budd

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Day trip, Monday, one car.

You should be able to use the parking lot and beach between the Colony Hotel and the river. I have been told folks use it all the time without difficulty, but no personal knowledge. However, the people I spoke with ignore the white buoys and wave to George and Barbara as they paddle by ...in other words they paddle under "local" rules that may not apply to you. The end of the road at Turcotte Creek is also a decent place to launch depending upon the tide, but not as easy to find. You can easily make a nice day by launching from there on a rising tide, go down to Kennebunkport, return, and then wander about the islands of Cape Porpoise before beating the falling tide on return. Lots of variety, but minding the tide is important. On a weekday you might be able to use the small public lot at the end of Pier Road in Cape Porpoise, but the carry is not easy and really not an "in" season place to go for many reasons so I would stay away.

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Thanks Ed.

My son (who will be joining us - lives there) has mentioned people launching from Cape Porpoise but I assume traffic, etc. would be less than optimal. I just looked at a Yahoo map (at work - chaht at home) and found Turbatt's creek which I believe is what you refer to as Turcotte Creek. There is a dead end at either end of a short road that should be easy enough to find. Would you know which end of the road you launch from, both seem to reach the shore?

Tide reaches high around 7PM so it shouldn't be too difficult getting back before darkness nor landing. Launch will be at or near low and may be more interesting. Always nice to have the shorter carry at the end of the day.

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Thanks Ed.

I just looked at a Yahoo map (at work - chaht at home) and found Turbatt's creek which I believe is what you refer to as Turcotte Creek.

Yes, that is it.


There is a dead end at either end of a short road that should be easy enough to find. Would you know which end of the road you launch from, both seem to reach the shore?

I have always parked just before the T along the edge of the road and launched on the other side of the T. the two dead end roadways seemed to be private to me.

Launch will be at or near low and may be more interesting.

Hmmm. You may find yourself up front and personal with a good deal of oozing mud. I'm not sure it is feasible/reasonable near low, but if you are out for an adventure/epic.... Might ask Brad G. or Bill G. as they have more knowledge.

Ed Lawson

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Never been there at low, so I am not sure about the launch conditions. I do know that you will not be able to pass through the creek to get over to Cape Porpoise, so you would be forced to go out around the island. The nice part of going there for a high tide paddle, is the very protected conditions going through the creek and over to Cape Porpoise. Great beginner paddle, and very scenic. You can go into the small light house there, and stop for lunch at the pier. Going around the outside on the other had can be quite a bit more difficult depending on the days sea state. There are some ledges there that create some big boomers.

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