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Paddle Friday 7/11?


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Looking for a trip on Friday. I'm up for just about anything that gets some miles under my boat. Anyone have anything planned or willing to help me plan something?



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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jul 9 2008, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many miles? :) Circumnav Cape Ann?

How many miles is that? I did a circumnav of Plum Island last year without much difficulty and that was about 18nm IIRC.

What are the tides looking like for Cape Ann Friday?


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Hi Bill,

Thanks for the info, but it's not really helpful. I can look up the tides for any point around the area, but without local knowledge of where you want to be (or avoid) during the ebb and flood, I can't make good trip planning decisions.



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How many miles is that? I did a circumnav of Plum Island last year without much difficulty and that was about 18nm IIRC.

A gmaps pedometer route looks like 23nm, which seems pretty substantial for my first real trip of the season.

Were you looking for some towing practice? :rubberring:


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Hi Bill,

Thanks for the info, but it's not really helpful. I can look up the tides for any point around the area, but without local knowledge of where you want to be (or avoid) during the ebb and flood, I can't make good trip planning decisions.



Your question was "What are the tides looking like for Cape Ann Friday?" I thought I had answered your question appropriately with the direct link answer. In an effort to be more helpful, here is some additional information.

The place to be most concerned with is the Blynman Canal. The Canal is a narrow, but short (~50 feet) underpass that can have some decent current as well as lots of confusion from boat traffic. The currents for the 11th at Blynman are as follows.

0349 +2.7 knots

0601 Slack

0955 -3.1 knots

1239 Slack

1613 +3.0 knots

1827 slack

2224 -3.4 knots

This information as well as currents all over the Massachusetts coast can be found here:


Also, another source of info that every kayaker should have is Reeds Nautical Almanac.


This includes tides, currents, piloting, and local coastal information.

Oh, and don't forget a chart of the area. If you are armed with a chart, and a Reeds, you can effectively plan a safe trip even if you have never been there before. I am not discounting the value of local knowledge, depending on the source. I have got some bad advice from supposedly good local knowledge and now more often depend on my own skills and knowledge using information readily available to plan a safe trip.

Hey...this was my 1,000th post. I need to get a life.:HAHApound:

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Some additional thoughts on trip planning. Weather... swell size and direction, wind strength and direction are important in planning. For example, when rounding Halibut Point, with swell and wind, you need to be careful because the swell can stand up quickly as the underwater topography changes from deep to shallow. This can be either scary or fun depending on your skill level. Because this is a circumnavigation, you will at some point have the wind in your face. It seems that every time I have done this trip, that happens on the longest leg from Lands End to the Harbor entrance. It looks like that may be the case for this Friday as the current forecast is for SW winds 5-15 turning S with gusts to 20. (This is assuming you are going clockwise around). If I was planning this trip, I would consider leaving GHS in the AM sometime and going anti-clockwise riding the ebb out the canal, then for the leg from Dogbar to Lands End, you will have the wind at your back, once you are around Halibut, you can stick close to the shore to get some protection from the wind, and then ride the flood into the Annisquam. This plan will make that 20+ NM go a lot easier. Looks like a great trip...wish I could join you.

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Some additional thoughts on trip planning...

Thanks Bill, this was hugely helpful!


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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jul 9 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yikes, what does that say about me? :blink:

Your life is over Bud...Married, Dogs, Mortgage, etc. 2,262 posts ..oy :roll:

JK of course.

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Thanks Bill, this was hugely helpful!



Let me know what you want to do for tomorrow. If the Cape sounds like a bit much at this time, we could put in early (before the practice session) at Forest River and head out to some of the islands.

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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jul 10 2008, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Let me know what you want to do for tomorrow. If the Cape sounds like a bit much at this time, we could put in early (before the practice session) at Forest River and head out to some of the islands.

The cape does sound like a bit much until I've done some more paddling this year. Heading out to the islands sounds perfect. I'm willing to do some miles, I just want to be realistic about what I can handle.

Name the time and I'll meet you at Forest River.



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Your life is over Bud...Married, Dogs, Mortgage, etc. 2,262 posts ..oy :roll:

JK of course.

oh yeah i'm a real ball and chain! i would like to point out that i went to his nephew's high school graduation so he could go to rough water training last month!!!!! :headBang:

he did buy me a new boat though :)

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oh yeah i'm a real ball and chain! i would like to point out that i went to his nephew's high school graduation so he could go to rough water training last month!!!!! :headBang:

he did buy me a new boat though :)

I see Kevin has the long boats and the "Wavesport Diesel 75--Red", you have the long boats but no short boat equiv. You may need to talk to him about that.....

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The cape does sound like a bit much until I've done some more paddling this year. Heading out to the islands sounds perfect. I'm willing to do some miles, I just want to be realistic about what I can handle.

Name the time and I'll meet you at Forest River.




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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jul 10 2008, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I'm in. See you tomorrow.

Anyone else that's interested is, of course, welcome to join us.


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I'm in. See you tomorrow.

Anyone else that's interested is, of course, welcome to join us.


Leon G. and I are heading out of Tuck's Point around 11:30AM Maybe we can meet up. Keep 72 open and we'll try and contact.

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