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Hi! I've just mailed my application to the club. I've watched this board for years and last week bought a new kayak. I've been paddling an old Rec boat for too many years and drooled over the beautiful boats you folks have been paddling. The Rec boat was like a 'barge' and I couldn't wait to ditch it. I watched a pool session at Lydon 2 years ago and was very impressed with the attitude and quality of the instruction generously donated by other members. Hope to meet you all. I'm in Beverly, so I'll probably get to Chebacco when those sessions start again.

I know there are some Impex boats in the club; does anyone have a Susquehanna like me?


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Hi Jim -

Welcome! I hope to see you on the water soon.

I believe the susquehana is the same boat as they used to call the diamante. If that is the case, there are a few of us in the club, but we mostly get harassed by the others because our hatches leak so badly. We do have a 12-step program, however, and we own the best drysacks. Great boats in following seas. Try tearing out the seat to make it really comfortable.


Jeff Casey

formula/impex diamante, red/white, (scratches, blisters, cracks, mis-drilled holes, lumpy patches)

tupperware capella, orange/dirt (& scratches & peachfuzz)

feathercraft kahuna (no personality yet)

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Thanks Jeff. Yes, I know about the fiberglass hatches vs. VCP leakage concerns. (Impex (Formula) is changing these in 2004 for the Susquehanna/Diamante). Got a great deal on this one, so I couldn't wait and justify a newer model. I'm curious though. Looking at the hatch, and understanding that there's a right and wrong way to secure them; I can't understand how they can leak that much. Does this only happen while practicing roll after roll? Or, can it be that simply splashing waves somehow FORCE their way into/under/around the rubber seals? I know, I'm new at this! Help me understand please.

Thanks, Jim.

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Welcome Jim,

I also have a Diamante. I bought mine just after the name change as a left over from the year before - like you, a good deal!

My hatches leak but not too bad. I've seen lots of other boats with worse leakage. But then again, I only go on level 3 trips and mostly stay upright in my boat.

See you on the water,


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They keep out the water IF the straps are tight and IF you carefully wipe all the grit out of the channel the gasket seats in and IF the seam in the gasket hasn't split open. On the other hand, the straps invariably loosen a bit, and you always get some sand under the gasket...

They take on a lot of water when you spend all day doing rescue/rolling practice. A full day paddle with breaking waves and quartering seas will give you a good sloshing, but not enough to upset your equilibrium. Just use drybags. I also keep float-bags in both bulkheads, but I would do that on any boat since it is cheap insurance against disastrous loss of floatation.


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>They keep out the water IF the straps are tight ...

I have seen a Diamante with a small rectangular piece of foam secured to the top of each hatch, right under the buckle. That enables you to tighten down the strap with more force, and seems to reduce leakage quite a bit. Of course, opening and closing the strap buckles on the water then becomes more...well... challenging. ;^)))


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Hi Jim:

Another satisfied Diamante paddler here! I've got Buddy's (my hubby)"old" Diamante. In fact, we're about to do some maintenance on it very shortly. One of the things will be the hatches which are taking on water admirably (because I've been learning to skull for support - not all that successfully). We'll keep you posted on how our repair work goes. We will be working on a better hatch leakage solution. (I hate wet peanut & butter jelly sandwiches.) We think we've got a good idea...we'll let you know.


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