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Thanks to John


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Thanks John for another very informative and well presented Weather and Waves workshop.


I'll second that! I learned alot about the weather today. Most importantly, not to trust ground level winds to predict whether a storm is coming my way. (Which is what I always used to do... :blink: Oops ).

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You're very welcome. As usual, the questions were great feedback on what I should emphasize. On that topic, I think I'll emphasize "24 hours in the weather cycle" for a typical summer day if/when I give it again.

Regarding surface winds versus winds aloft - you can try this out any time you see some high cirrus clouds. Compare the direction of motion of the cirrus clouds to the surface winds. Sometimes, you can get lucky and see two cloud layers at different alititudes - and often times, the two cloud layers can be moving in very different directions.

The first time I gave the course, a couple of guides from Maine came to check it out. One of them related to me the experience of getting fooled by the surface winds moving toward a squall line (as often happens), and thought it was going to miss him, but he ended up paddling straight into it.

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You're very welcome. As usual, the questions were great feedback on what I should emphasize. On that topic, I think I'll emphasize "24 hours in the weather cycle" for a typical summer day if/when I give it again.

Regarding surface winds versus winds aloft - you can try this out any time you see some high cirrus clouds. Compare the direction of motion of the cirrus clouds to the surface winds. Sometimes, you can get lucky and see two cloud layers at different alititudes - and often times, the two cloud layers can be moving in very different directions.

The first time I gave the course, a couple of guides from Maine came to check it out. One of them related to me the experience of getting fooled by the surface winds moving toward a squall line (as often happens), and thought it was going to miss him, but he ended up paddling straight into it.

Thanks John! Fantastic class. I learned more in 2 hours about weather and waves than I have from reading books and magazines in 5 years!

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