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Explorer VS Ellesmere


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Both were on my short list when I settled on an Aquanaut in 2003. Both are good boats for an array of uses. As I recall, I found the Ellesmere quicker and more lively. I would guess it is slightly lower volume.

I think a paddler would be fine in either. It probably comes down to preferred fit and personality.

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B) Does anyone have experience with the Explorer and Ellesmere? I would appreciate any impressions comparing these two.....

The Ellesmere is a smaller, more nimble boat. It's much lighter and it's built better. Unless you are a larger paddler and/or have a compelling need for the extra volume of the Explorer (are you planning to do extended trips?), the Ellesmere is a better choice for all-around use.

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B) Does anyone have experience with the Explorer and Ellesmere? I would appreciate any impressions comparing these two.....

I've owned and paddled both boats quite a bit... and still have the Explorer. My take on the boats is as follows:

Volume/weight: Explorer is a bit larger in volume though not by a large margin. Both boats have adequate volume for camping trips of several days. Explorer is 6 inches longer overall and my current Explorer weighs maybe a few pounds more than the glass Ellesmere did. Note, however, thata Explorer weights vary quite a bit and many are substantially heavier.

Construction quality: The Ellesmere is vacuum bagged and of generally very good construction. The Explorer is hand laid and, at least in my own boat, of good quality. This reputedly varies a lot with the Explorer though mine has been very rugged and stands up to tough use. The seat did eventually break and was replaced with the foam seat I prefer anyway.

Comfort: I find both boats to be comfortable for my size (6'3", 200lb) with the Elle a slightly snugger fit. My Elle was an ocean cockpit design which was very secure and comfortable underway. Entry and exit were less fun. Seat in the Ellesmere very comfortable except for the large hump at the front edge. I made a foam seat modelled after the Elle seat without the hump... that seat in now in my Explorer. I found the original seat in the Explorer to actually be pretty comfortable. All this is very subjective and dependent upon the paddler's physical characteristics and preferences.

On-water performance: The Ellesmere is definitely a faster boat than the Explorer... very fast for it's length in fact. It also turns more sharply when edged and is generally a really nimble and fun boat to paddle. Good in rough conditions though initial stability is a bit twitchy, at least for someone my size and height. Secondary stability is excellent. The boat does have a fairly strong tendency to weathercock due to its loose stern. Just a bit of skeg deployment tames this though. The Explorer is slower with higher initial stability and feels much more secure in rough conditions than the Elle. Doesn't come around quite as quickly as the Elle but is pretty close... a very maneuverable boat for its length. Subjectively, it has a steadier and more highly damped feeling in the water. Surfs better than the Elle. Does not weathercock nearly as strongly. Both boats are very easy to roll.

Summary: Ellesmere a bit more demanding of the paddler and somewhat quicker/sportier in terms of handling. Explorer very confidence-inspiring in all conditions and a do-everything-pretty-well boat. Both are great boats with slightly difference characteristics. Really boils down to which one feels good to you. Or, just get one of each :D

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Summary: Ellesmere a bit more demanding of the paddler and somewhat quicker/sportier in terms of handling. Explorer very confidence-inspiring in all conditions and a do-everything-pretty-well boat. Both are great boats with slightly difference characteristics. Really boils down to which one feels good to you. Or, just get one of each

I agree with everything Carl has had to say on this subject, particularly his conclusion. It does come down to where your skills as a paddler are and how much of a learning curve you're interested in experiencing. For me, the Elle was a bit too challenging in rough water to be entirely comfortable, while the Explorer was the opposite. Both provided opportunity for further growth and skill building but the Explorer was an easier base from which to start. Couple of years in the Explorer and I feel confident now to want my Elle back as well. However if I could only have one boat it would be the Explorer!

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B) Does anyone have experience with the Explorer and Ellesmere? I would appreciate any impressions comparing these two.....

I have owned an Ellesmere since 2003 and really like it. I have also had a good amoutn of seat time in Explorers, as I was looking to buy an Explorer in 2007, but ultimately chose the P&H Cetus over the Explorer.

I agree with most of the comments from Carl with maybe the exception of the seat. I found the stock seat in the Ellesmere to be extremely comfortable, especially on longer stints in the boat. The hump was never an issue for me, but I know many Ellesmere owners who ditched the seat completely. It's really a matter of your body fit and type. I have very short legs, so the seat supported my hamstrings well.

Ellesmere is a fast, maneuvable boat but not for a beginner. It can be tippy and weathercocks more than an Explorer. I had more confidence in the Explorer in choppy water.

My choice between the two: I'd take the Explorer

Having said that, if you like these two boats....you might want to look at the P&H Cetus. I have much more confidence in the Cetus. for me, its a hands-down better choice for me. I aldo know more than one Explorer owner who has switched....its been hard to keep them out of my boat!

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