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Rolling in Salem!

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Many thanks to Brian and Rick for the help at the Beverly Pool Session and Kevin and Gillian for the help at the Salem State pool session!!! :notWorthy:

Now the challenge is seeing if I can do it again!

Oh, a special thanks to Gillian because she took a (light) shot in the head with my paddle. What a demonstration of giving "whatever it takes" for the cause of teaching.

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Many thanks to Brian and Rick for the help at the Beverly Pool Session and Kevin and Gillian for the help at the Salem State pool session!!! :notWorthy:

Now the challenge is seeing if I can do it again!

Oh, a special thanks to Gillian because she took a (light) shot in the head with my paddle. What a demonstration of giving "whatever it takes" for the cause of teaching.

um yeah, "whatever it takes" means when you hit me in the face with your paddle you have to babysit my wackjob dog for a week :) congrats!!!!!!

yeah, and i'm with kevin - i've never seen a first time roller set up 4 TIMES for a roll . . . impressive.

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