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VHF's (P.I.F.)


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Don't say you heard it from me, but ... well-placed rumor sources have it that a certain NSPN member with a hot blonde girlfriend is gettting paid big bucks by a national seakayaking magazine (no, it ain't ACK) to review the current crop of handheld VHF radios for paddlers.

Maybe if we put sufficient heat on this guy we can convince him to put a link on the message board to his article, or post it as a PDF file for all to enjoy. Regardless, anyone who paddles with this guy once the article is published ought to insist he use his coin to buy the first round.

Better yet, maybe I can put sufficient heat on him to convince him to give a talk, on radio choices, sometime in late winter, at a place like REI.

By the way, has anyone other than Dee Hall, Jeff Casey, or me considered organizing a VHF radio buy this spring? If you have (or haven't) consider passing it forward and organizing one for the membership. We picked up fifteen radios last year at a savings of almost $100 per unit.

(P.I.F means pass it forward, by the way, so in the interests of passing it forward to fellow members when it comes to the true 'gen on valuable stuff to know, let's see if we can't get this guy with the hot blonde girlfriend to give a talk about his views on good and bad radios...or at least on how to find a hot blonde girlfriend).

Apologies to feminists, by the way.

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  • 2 months later...

Has this gone anywhere? I'm just starting to get back into the boards and couldn't find anything new after some searching.

Anyone else out there interested in a group radio purchase?

I can't tell you the number of marine casualties I've investigated that could have been avoided with timely and appropriate communication.



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