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Rolling class -- beginners, intermediates -- slots left


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There are still slots left for the rolling class on Tuesday 8/28, 5:30 at Mystic Lake.

It's part of the regular Mystic Tuesday practice session, but anybody wanting to start or work more on rolling is welcome, whether or not you've been attending Mystic or any practice sessions. Instructors will be NSPN members and friends who are experienced and successful at teaching rolling, so this is a great opportunity -- free to members, $10 regular day fee to non-members.

Rolling is a really useful skill, and when you master it, it accelerates your paddling development in many ways. It's worthwhile starting the training early in your paddling career.

Sign up with me by e-mail -- djlewis at triadic dotty commit -- name, emergency contact info, your contact info, NSPN/ACA number. Also, mention your experience at rolling so far, if any, and what you hope to accomplish next.


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One or two slots left.

Couple more details... The student-teacher ration will be 2:1 or 3:1, less than the typical commercial course. The instructors are Bill Gwynn and Bob Clarke, both BCU instructors and NSPN members donating their time, and maybe moi (only an instructor-in-training), and maybe another special guest teacher to-be-announced.

I emphasize again that it's free to NSPN members, but really the equivalent of a commercial course costing significant money. (Hmmm... maybe we'd fill those last slots if we charged $100 <_<)


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Sorry I won't be able to make it . Taking Lo up to Conomo Point tomorrow where the tides promise plenty of water and show her the way back via the Snake Creek. (I'll probably get lost!) Then off to the Clam Box for the best lobster roll this side of Maine.

While personal one on one instruction is obviously the best approach to leaning to roll, many still fail to roll during that period and can sometimes benefit from reinforcing the lessons through watching a DVD. The very best one in my opinion is "The Kayak Roll" http://www.performancevideo.com/the_kayak_roll

I was already capable of rolling but with awkward technique and a reliance on the paddle that was taking a toll on my rotator cuff. I changed a couple of things based upon viewing this DVD several times and it has made an enormous difference. I still have an awkward roll but no more strain on my shoulder. Everyone learns best according to their own temperment. I had lessons with arguably some of the best: Karen Knight & Bob Foote, and yet I made the most progress through the mediation of this video. Go figure! Oh yes and thanks to Jason Kates and friends who pointed out at Walden over a month ago that my sweep was non-existent. I have since concentrated on twisting my body away from the boat and keeping the paddle high on the water. It's still not echt but at least I have something to work on and improve.

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