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today, mouth of merrimac

rick stoehrer

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met at the reservation by a coastie in a truck concerned with what we were doing and we assured him we were off the water by noon - before the ebb started to really crank and well before that storm started to hit us hard. still wanted us to call once we were off.

launched at about slack (with the water completely over the tops of the rock jetties on both sides) and rode the swell coming in through the mouth for awhile. wind was outta the east or so and as the ebb increased the waves started to jack up and break...that was our clue to take that last ride and bug out.

off the water by noon or so...called the cg station and checked in.

it was easy 5 foot and breaking and it wasn't even close to max ebb and that storms still a ways off. that mouth is c-l-o-s-e-d for a day or so i think.

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Guest _rick


The new station chief hails from the left coast where he is used to flying storm flags and monitoring the bar closely. For the benefit they would not have allowed you to proceed had there been any issue. They have the authority to call your voayge.."manifestly unsafe.."

Expect to see more


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Guest _rick


I know.....No offense intended. .Just letting you know that the new station chief has a different mindset than those in the past. They usually just stop stupid powerboaters.

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i knocked on wood when i typed it and meant no offense to poseidon, neptune or the coast guard station chief. i've swum, i will swim again. just like everyone else.

and honestly, i rather seriously doubt there would ever be a difference of opinion on the point BUT the bottom line is that i strongly feel it's personal responsibility and judgement and not a manifestly unsafe dictate that keeps a person safely ashore on those days that are too ugly to launch.

hey _rick, could you define manifestly unsafe and how it is a forecast or conditions get defined as such? thanks.

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no offense taken at all - i went back and read what i posted and sounds more than a bit like hubris and that's usually about when you get creamed, isn't it? so please water gods and cg station chiefs - i beg all possbile forgiveness!

....see post below.

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> BUT the bottom line is

>that i strongly feel it's personal responsibility and

>judgement and not a manifestly unsafe dictate that keeps a

>person safely ashore on those days that are too ugly to


I find the differences with the climbing world interesting. If you haven't a clue how to climb, I assume you can still walk into the Jenny Lake ranger station in the Tetons and get a climbing permit for any available route. The ranger may ask a question or two, but then they give you a permit which is really just to keep track of who is on what route and what color stuff to look for if recovery is needed. No such thing as certified and no climbing * awards. Basically, it just a given that climbing is "manifestly unsafe" and its totally up to the climber.

Ed Lawson

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Guest _rick


And everyone else who wants to know. The term "manifestly unsafe" is defined broadly on purpose. The intent is to subjectively allow a coast guard officer the right to order you out of the water and discuss the finer points of what you intend on doing. Incidently the use of manifestly is the common one to mean "obvious".

The Coast Guard will look at things such as: Your condition, Your boat's condition, your equipment, how you sound, the weather, the water.

In Rick's case he probably saw a "Sea Kayaker" rather than a launch the big fat rec boat and ride the waves.

Check this link here.


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We could be cited for "Improper backfire flame control" right here on the message boards...

The Merrimack certainly has looked angry these last couple days.


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

NDK Explorer


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