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Sunday (6/24) Surf SNG Nahant

Kevin B (RPS Coach)

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Gillian and I will be practing in the surf Sunday afternoon at 2pm at the causeway in Nahant (see posts by Brad and Billy for directions). If the winds are too strong there, we may seek out another location, but we'll all meet there to start. We're bringing both long and short boats if any one wants to try the shorties. We've each only tried them once, but they are great fun.

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I'm a weak maybe. I work Saturday and won't be getting the ferry back to Woodshole until Sunday but I had so much fun yesterday that I'm going to try. How long do you think you'll be out for?

Cheers, Joe

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Long beach reserve Nahant MA.

better known as "the causeway".

Pretty hard to miss, it's the beach along the left hand side of the road that goes out to Nahant.

Nahant used to be two islands,now they are conected to shore by a road built on a sand bar,the sand bar is now long beach,the beach between the two islands is short beach.

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I would agree that Nahant is a much better choice for surfing. Nice and sandy and easy spilling waves. Deveruaux is rocky and dumping. The put-in at Nahant is at the south end of the "Causeway". Plenty of free parking right at the beach. There is a restraunt "The Tides" and a Dunkin Donuts there for your Lunch/coffee breaks.

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Just checked the buoy reports - Boston Buoy reading 1.1 foot, 2.5 seconds. Wet Sand predicting 1.1 foot on SE facing beaches. Nahant faces East. I don't think anything will be happening.

Saw the predictions and went out yesterday instead. It was just after high tide and caught lovely waves for a few hours. 3' max but a long period.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but if you are coming from a long distance, there probably won't be anything happening.

Here is a link to the swell forecast: http://www.wetsand.com/swellwatch/swellwatch.asp?CatId=296

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Bob, I read the response. I went to the beach. The parking lot is also over one mile long. I was just trying to be helpful if one of the first people there has never been there before...


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

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