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Kayak portage wheels


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I have one of the Paddleboy rigs. 2 Wheels you slide if from the stern and it angles and pinches the hull with foam pads. It doesn;t have the 4" wide wheels. But comes apart with the quick release buttons and slides into the hatches just fine. Mind you i've not portaged it a long distance on soft beach sand but it's great on most tidal flats.

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Hi, Ken:

Thanks -- is this it?


If so, I'm a little confused. REI talks about removing the wheels to collapse it, but a picture from another store shows that it collapses with the heels on. Is removing the wheels optional?

However it happens, fitting into a hatch is pretty important. (I have Valley ovals.)

Thanks. --David.


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Mine is the one in the pic you imbedded in the post.

The one in the REI link is a different one with the large pressurized wheels. I doubt that would fit but who knows.

Mine comest apart in two the the legs seperating about 1/2 way. It fit in my Romany easily. I just picked up may Anas yesterday so haven't had time to see if it fits. I'll try to give it a go tonight and let you know. If it fits in the Anas it will fit anything of course .


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If you are looking for a set to portage the former gap at South Beach you can forget about finding wheels that will fit in your hatch. Weenie wheels used on most kayak carts are worthless out there. They just sink into the sand making it almost impossible to drag the boat along.

I modified a Paddle Boy cart with Roleez wheels and had good results over soft sand. But there is no way they will go into a hatch opening.

Similar carts are available at: http://www.wheeleez.com/

Dragging your boat over soft sand will surely grind the gel coat off the end that sets in the sand.

You might try making a strap-on skid (about the size of a skateboard) that you can stow on board.

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One thing about the thin tires. If you are portaging over a sandy beach, they can get stuck easily.

We have the one Ken has as well as one with inflatable tires, and neither one really fits that great in either the Avocet, Aquanaut or the Explorer. Bob mentioned you might want to call Brad at NESC and I'd second that advice. He has a pair that he uses (by his own design?) that can go long distances and apprarently are extremely compact.

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Hi, Don & Gene:

Gene's post was later, so maybe he saw Don's.

Bottom line -- will the 10" wheels on the Paddleboy Nemo work in that soft sand? If so, the Nemo looks pretty good, the way it disassembles into four separate pieces.

But listening to Don, he's saying soft sand takes bigger wheels than will fit in a hatch. So I'm guessing the 10" wheels won't do the trick.

A Valley oval hatch, by the way, 10 is about 9" x 16" at the opening, so I imagine the 10" wheels will fit in with a little tilting and juggling. True?

Maybe we should just carry the boats tandem -- it's only 150 yards.


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Hi, Don:

Which size Roleez wheels?


I see 8", 11", 16" and 19", plus other options.

Maybe the trick is to strap the wheels to the deck. If you have to roll, they may come off, but I presume they float quite nicely. Of course, wheels on top increases wind profile and complicates trim and balance.


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