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Sunset Paddle 27 Jul 2007

Guest _rick

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Guest _rick

Proposed L2 trip Leaving Conomo Pt Essex MA. Paddle to Backside of Crane Beach.

Time: Beach briefing at 645pm Return to beach roughly 10pm.

Route: Leaving Creek on flooding tide. Paddling directly across the channel on the seaward side of Cross Island and Dilly Island. Return by the same route.

Transit time: approx 45 minutes. with a channel crossing at the beginning and end of the trip.

Equipment: http://www.nspn.org/play-what-to-bring.html. You will not leave without a white light. Kayaks must have bulkheads or float bags.

Weather: Chance of thunderstorms highs in the 80's

Radio: VHF channel 16

Emergency: 911 or Essex Harbormaster, Coast Guard Station Gloucester

Trip Leader(s): Rick Lutes

Please post interest here. Capacity of trip is directly related to amount of assistant trip leaders.

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Guest _rick


One white light is required for a craft under oars at night. Most people have the equiv of an electric candle fastened to their pfd. A water proof flashlight or going to your favorite marine supply store and pick up one of these


C-Light Personal PFD Light

and one of these


Firefly Plus Flashlight

Although technically not required a pfd light is a good safety measure. The white light used to signal is required.

Hope this helps.

You will need to provide your ACA number, contact information boat type. Please send by private message.



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I like using a small headlamp. Got mine at REI - they will tell you which ones are waterproof and which ones are supposed to be but aren't. I do have a light on my pfd but find having the headlamp on but instead of wearing it on my head, I put it on like a necklace and use it to read charts or shine and direct the beam when I need to see something.

I also don't rely on being able to see the deck mounted compass and use a clip on compass that I have taped on little fishing lure glow sticks. This illuminates from below and the compass is now visible.

I tend to paddle in stealth mode - no lights and just glow stick on my pfd and boat. Let your eyes adjust and you usually don't need any other light unless you are navigating/chart reading.

It's really useful to have the headlamp as it helps mainly when you are packing up.


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In addition to headlamps which are very, very useful when dealing with gear before and after, you may want to consider the following items.

From Wally World.

Gerrity LED flashlight with red lens cover which has a modestly bright and well focussed beam for close in work. Red cover is nice for night use for navigating and sorting stuff out when preserving night vision is a good thing.

Brinkmann Maxfire LX with Lithium batery and Xenon bulb for a very bright white light to illuminate objects at a distance and bright enough for most others to see at a distance.

Battery powered glow sticks.

At Lowe's you can find what is called a tactical LED flashlight with several white LEDs and one red LED which perhaps works well as a multipurpose light.

If I were embark on a night paddle I would pick some combination of these, but it all depends on environment one is paddling in I suppose.

I know someone who carries one of those multi million candle power lights when paddling about lower Casco Bay at night due to number of lights and traffic which makes it important to have lots of candles to be seen. Of course if you have paddled into a situation in which you need to be seen, you already have created a problem haven't you?

Ed Lawson

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Shaila, I second exactly what Suzanne wrote: in theory, a white light is required and that is covered by the headlamp which I would only use when another craft is nearby and needs to see (I keep out of their way -- stealth-mode for me, too!); one chemical glow-stick slung around your neck, perhaps, or a small-wattage light on the back of your PFD for recognition among your group should suffice and for map-reading -- again, exactly as Suzanne suggests.

Strobe lights are absolutely wrong, unless you are in distress (and probably in the water!) and so is the over-dressing of kayaks to resemble large, powered craft (or Christmas trees!) -- it gives a wrong impression to other craft about your size/capability, etc. This is entirely as we were advised by the Coast Guard (one word, or two?) a few years ago.

I hope this helps?

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Neither do I pay very much attention to the common idea that red lighting will impair night vision the least -- a white light used sparingly will do better. Cessna discarded red instrument lighting in the cockpit about forty years ago to go with white lights adjustable by rheostats!

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Guest _rick

This trip is still on. Ever watchful of the weather. Friday night Conomo Point put in. So far: 2 non trip leaders. We will be hugging the shores of cross Island and Dilly with on the way out and back.

Post if interested..


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