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VHF review?


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I checked the equipment review section of www.paddling.net and I did not see any VHF reviews.

However, there has been several helpful discussions on the p.net boards.

I have supplied some recent links below.

ICOM's M88, M72 and M34 have proven to be favorites with sea kayakers.




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I will point out that the review is by a powerboat, not paddling publication.

This doesn't necessarily make the review worthless, but there have been far more Standard Horizon radio failures documented on this board over the last several years and on padding.net than ICOM failures.

I have been paddling with an unbagged ICOM M88 for three years without any problems. I do periodically check the integrity of the battery compartment gasket and tightness of the antenna mount.

In fairness several NSPNer have indicated that they eventually had failures using unprotected ICOMs, but these numbers appear to be drawfed by Standard radio failures in similar usage conditions.


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Everytime this discussion comes up, I am reminded of the similar debates I have heard among pick-up truck owners arguing over which is better, Chevy or Ford. Always someone ready to say neither they nor any of their friends ever had anything but bad luck with Chevies and the next says the same thing about Fords.

I was not a member then, but from what I have read, the rash of Standard failures stems from a group purchase of a specific model. So when it turned out to be a lemon, there were lots of failures to report.

You won't find good technical reviews of these radios, but you will find decent practical use type reviews from boating mags.

To me the important things to check are ergonomics, ease of programming, volume and intelligibility on transmit and receive. You can go gearhead rather fast on all the other stuff.

Ed Lawson

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was a lemon, but that's stretching the term. Oh yes, I believe Dee disassembled one, and with an engineer's eye enumerated the specific design failures that led to compromised waterproofing.

This is not Chevy vs Ford. It's Pinto vs BMW.

But hey, Ed, if you still think it's a matter of taste, then I've got an old S-H you can have quite cheap. ;-)))


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>This is not Chevy vs Ford. It's Pinto vs BMW.


Thank you for proving my point.

The model was a lemon. Then it was new and untried, but I'm sure its bells and whistles appealed to gearheads at the time.

I have played with any number of handheld VHF radios in military, commercial, ham, and marine settings for at least 20 years. They both make fine radios and they both have made lemons.

Ed Lawson

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for me it was the JIS7 waterproof rating,

>lithium battery and the small size.


I would go for those traits too. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time. In all candor I must admit that I have always had a real dislike of the base radio on which the HX4 series is made. They made a great rig for hams called the VX-5/6R which was replaced by the VX-7R which is the ham version of the HX4 series. Disliked it from day one. I think they are more on track with the HX500 and 600. Icom has done a better job of making radios that are more stylish than commercial radios, but not overdone like the HX4 series. I wish Icom would make a consumer version of the IC-M90 especially if they would reduce the form factor. To me that would be an ideal radio.

Ed Lawson

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i can't speak to the reliability of the icom m88 (as i've just purchased mine), but wanted to mention a good deal from defender.com

their regular price is $259.99 but they are running a 4th of july sale ... $246.99. they also have a printable form on their website for a $50 rebate from icom (for m88 purchaces thru 7/31). with shipping that puts my cost at about $206. other places may price match their $246.99, but i felt they deserved my business since they were the only website that listed the icom rebate.

steve formisani

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