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Help, my skeg is bent!

GJ Carey

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Hi Guys,

I have a older explorer which has a slightly bent skeg. It appears to be the hard nylon type. Can I straighten it, and if so, how? Boiling water, two straight pieces of wood, or something more sophisticated?

Thanks in advance.

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I would remove the skeg from the boat, it will be easier to work on and you'll have a chance to clean the cable (slider skeg) or change the bungies and ropes if it's a rope skeg.

I would start by flattening the skeg underneath some weights (books, tool box, etc...) it may return to shape. if that doesn't do it you might have to bend in in the opposite direction so that it will return to a straight position.

Heating it may allow it to return to it's shape too.

Then again I bent the skeg in my Argonaut 90 degrees to the side and it came back to it's normal shape without me doing anything to it. So you may want to wait and week or so and see what happens.

Never put a loaded boat down without checking if the skeg has deployed ;-)

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bent? like over to the left or right? will it retract? will it deploy? how'd you do that?

wow...just when you think you've gone and dinged up an explorer in most ways known to man, somebody comes along and throws a curve....at any rate, congratulations!

i've never tried this and can only assume that it's made out of some kind of plastic/nylon....try heating it with an air gun and putting it between 2 pieces of wood and then use pressure....i dunno...anyone else have any ideas?

if you're looking for more definitve advice i'd try phil clegg...he works for nigel and his work email is (phil@nigeldenniskayaks.com)...he might be able to help you out or get a replacement shipped....for that matter, tom up at mikco (www.maineislandkayak.com) may be able to help you out.

...and you don't really need that thing anyways ya know...just take it out.

good luck!

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Thanks Guys,

It's more of a curve, rather than a definate bend, and to be honest it's been there since I purchesed the boat (4 years). The skeg accidently deployed a couple of times and I'm sure I whacked it landing and launching. I actually don't use the skeg very much but as I'm looking at it, it has finally got me annoyed enough to try and straighten it. I'll try the heat approach and see where it gets me.

Thanks again.

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Never tred this on a skeg, but sometimes plastic items immersed in very hot water, long enough to soften , and then set up so they hang verticaly , will straighten themselves. This works, e.g. for the sword blabes and rifle barrels on plastic toy soldiers etc., might work with a skeg.

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I've bent it back a few times, but it seems to have taken a semi-permanent curve. One of these days I'll take it out and heat it. If you want to try it, start by using a hair dryer, as that won't get hot enough to damage the plastic.

If that doesn't work, you can try a heat gun, but be sure to heat it gradually and slowly and keep it moving, so it heats the blade evenly and all the way through. You don't want to melt the surface and have the interior be still to cold to bend.

Lastly, if you have a flat metal or glass plate, you could put the skeg on it and bake it in an oven (full size, not a toaster oven) at 200 degrees or so. That may only be possible if you're not married... ;-)

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OK, I've tried SOOOOOO hard to resist posting something completely unproductive but it's finally too much for me to take so here goes...

"I bent my Wookie" - Ralphy

Cheers, Joe

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Just out of curiousity, do you fab these yourself or are they a universal replacement of some sort? Mine isn't bent (yet) but plexi might just be the right stuff.

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