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Winter Workshops--What do you want?

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Well, it's actually past that time of year when we need to start thinking about workshops for the winter, but better late than never. Last year we had the following:


Equipment (Intro to Kayaking workshop)

First Aid / Safety


Boat Repair

So, what would you like to see? We need to act quickly to be able to line events up for February, so please post your interest. If you feel you want to lead a workshop, let me know!

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My suggestion would be to have half day or full day workshops at most on the following topics:

Weather, specifically on how to use forecast info and observations to make judgments at launch and on the water.

Navigation...yes I know there is a class now, but I am thinking of a short class with some practical on water field work related specifically to kayaking.

Outfitting/Intro gear stuff

Another suggestion is to have workshops linked to a practical application on the water say something like camping to be linked to an actual camping trip as it is one thing to sit in a room and talk about stuff, but only by actually doing it will all points/advice become real and the nice sounding theories get tested.

Easier said than done, but you asked.

My suggestion is to somehow have all this stuff not be just a collection of workshops, but in some ways to be coordinated to enable a motivated new member to become competent to take modest coastal journeys in a group by July and sufficiently confident to explore surfing and rock play if that is their interest. By modest I mean 10-15NM day trips and maybe weekend trips on the Maine coast in good, but routine, summer conditions.

It would be good to have a basic first aid for kayaking class, but not an overkill course since that is best left to organizations whose day job it is to provide such training.

Personally, I don't think much of safety as a workshop topic. Rather safety should be the result of learning and practicing what is presented in the workshops as a whole.

Ed Lawson

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All of the workshops I attended last winter :weather (Huth), camping (Riegel, Berg, Childs, Duncansons), boat outfitting/repair(Nystrom ) were great and I would attend these again if offered this winter.

Some sort of gear swap could be good. I would be happy to show up at Gould Barn with some paddles, pfds, spray skirts and walk out with either some $$ in my pocket or something like a used vhf radio or some other surprise item. This could also be good for new members looking for get-on-the-water kit.

Reading and understanding weather is a weak point for me, so I would attend a weather workshop again.

Kayak-specific nav. would always be a good winter activity.

Any slide shows of interesting trips, (or perhaps an “ everyone bring your 10 best slides” format), again combined with the usual social lubricants (food, drink) would be a fun mid- or late-winter activity.

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Everything but kayaking equipment but what I'd be most interested in... boat repair and first aid, especially if it involved a CPR course. It's been a while since I've had any CPR training (like ummm... over 20 years and the methods have changed since then).

Cheers, Joe

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Love the gear-swap/social lubricant/slideshow idea! -- not sure that falls in a "workshop" category, but lets do that!!! :)

... and I'm a big fan of camping, but new to the idea of planning to bring only what fits in a kayak or two... Past camping trips have involved a jeep-full of stuff. Grill, cooler, tent, pots & pans, etc... :) Learning what kayak camping trips require &/or can do without would be a definate interest to me. I'd like to try an overnight kayak adventure in the near future...

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>... and I'm a big fan of camping, but new to the idea of

>planning to bring only what fits in a kayak or two... Past

>camping trips have involved a jeep-full of stuff.

Its always interesting to see differences in perceptions/experiences. I normally camped for a weekend using a small rucksack with less volume than the typical front hatch so I wonder how to fill all that space. Actually I am excited about all the easy living stuff I can take like one of those folding foam chairs.

Ed Lawson

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Workshop on proper stretching and stengthening exercises for kayakers in the off season. Yes, unfortunately, not all of us are kayaking in January and February. It would also be very useful if we had any members with special knowledge of this area to lead. Physical Therapist, Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist, Sports Medicine Doctor, etc. If not we could all share what we've learned works and what doesn't.

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Here's something I've been playing with - many of you have seen David Burch's book "Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation".

Perhaps you know this, but he runs an outfit called "Starpath Navigation", and has written a book, mainly for blue-water sailors called "Emergency Navigation". The book is what to do if you lose your sextant, or watch, or navigation tables, and also about coastal piloting etc.

Another book I've read is calle "Finding your Way Without Map or Compass" - it's about navigation..well...without map or compass.

The combination of all three is something I've been playing with - some "seat of the pants" celestial navigation (no tables), wave/swell/wind/cloud reading, range finding using various methods, and assorted other tricks.

Anyway, there may be some interest in this down the line - of if I'm paddling with some of you, I'd be happy to tell you about it.

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