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Haverhill pool sessions for 2024


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Pool sessions at the Haverhill High School for the 2024 winter season are now available for purchase in the Store.  Details to sign up are under the calendar listings for each date.

The dates for the sessions are   

Saturdays Jan 6, 13, 20
Saturdays Feb 3 10, 17, 24
Sunday Mar 10
Saturdays Mar 16, 23

All 1-3 pm

Each session is limited to 10 boats.

These sessions are offered as a benefit to paid members of NSPN, and therefore are only available to active members. We are required to have insurance in order to use the pool facilities, so we are using the ACA club insurance program. You need to sign the online ACA Liability Waiver for 2024 here.  Each pool session spot will cost $30, plus $10 if you are not an ACA member.

These sessions are a great way to keep existing skills active over the cold winter months or work on new skills for the upcoming paddling season.  Although NSPN does not offer official instruction, many members are willing to offer whatever assistance they can while they are at the pool.  However, if you would like to pay for professional instruction, you can seek out an instructor directly, either from NSPN members (some of whom are actually certified!) or from other professional instructors.

You'll need a kayak, paddle, sprayskirt, and lifejacket.  You'll likely want a mask and maybe a paddle float.  Light neoprene clothing works well, both to keep warm and to keep down the bruises on your legs from jumping in and out of your boat.

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