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Washing plastic kayak


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I am a new NSPN member with a question that Google isn't answering to my satisfaction.

After a summer of renting, I bought my very own kayak (WS Zephyr 15.5).

I am also a renter of housing, and luckily have basement space to store it. But what I don't have is a hose that can reach the driveway/street! (spigot all the way around on the other side of the building -- I'd need a looong hose)

How important is it to rinse a plastic kayak after every (salty) use? Can i just go through a carwash? Or any other tips?

Seems like a silly thing, I know...!

Hope to meet some of you soon. Sadly I'm too beginner for your paddles I think, but I'm taking lessons!


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I am a new NSPN member with a question that Google isn't answering to my satisfaction.

After a summer of renting, I bought my very own kayak (WS Zephyr 15.5).

I am also a renter of housing, and luckily have basement space to store it. But what I don't have is a hose that can reach the driveway/street! (spigot all the way around on the other side of the building -- I'd need a looong hose)

How important is it to rinse a plastic kayak after every (salty) use? Can i just go through a carwash? Or any other tips?

Seems like a silly thing, I know...!

Hope to meet some of you soon. Sadly I'm too beginner for your paddles I think, but I'm taking lessons!



I am a new NSPN member with a question that Google isn't answering to my satisfaction.

After a summer of renting, I bought my very own kayak (WS Zephyr 15.5).

I am also a renter of housing, and luckily have basement space to store it. But what I don't have is a hose that can reach the driveway/street! (spigot all the way around on the other side of the building -- I'd need a looong hose)

How important is it to rinse a plastic kayak after every (salty) use? Can i just go through a carwash? Or any other tips?

Seems like a silly thing, I know...!

Hope to meet some of you soon. Sadly I'm too beginner for your paddles I think, but I'm taking lessons!


I wouldn't worry about washing it too much.

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Janet, Cathy and I used to wash and wipe down our kayaks after every time on the water. Now, we don't bother. Keep in mind that you SHOULD wash off your boat if going from one fresh water to another to prevent spreading invasive species that only need small fragments to promulgate. Also, please rinse off befor going to winter pool sessions.

Glad to have you as a new paddler. Have you considered going to Walden Pond on Wednesday nights or Chebacco Lake on Thursday nights? Both are probably wrapping up for the season, but are really good resources for working on various skills. Look for them next season.

We hope to offer plenty of winter workshops to keep people thinking about kayaking, so keep a eye out for those as well. Let us know if there is anything else the club can do for you and other new paddlers.

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You would be fine not washing or you could wipe it down to minimize the salt which will stay on the surface and bead up in moist storage environments. That is not an issue...

If you have a skeg cable you might want to give it a squirt of whatever is recommended by the maker.

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Welcome, Janet!

Just a note that you can spread invasive species from salt water to fresh, too, believe it or not. The people at Walden Pond would be very thankful if we all wash well before going there (sometimes they are there handing out invasive species pamphlets). That means paddles and footwear, too.

Buckets sound good... or what about one of those old-fashioned do-it-yourself carwashes with the hose/spray gear? Or do they exist any more?

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Other than preventing the invasive species transfer - no need to wash your boat. If you are on fresh water and you are getting water line staining, that might be a good reason to get a bucket of water and give it a scrub. Your best bet though is to sponge that off right while you are in the water still. Removes it before it has a chance to stain. I think it is from pollens and tannins in fresh water.

When I first got into kayaking, I lived in a high rise and the boat was always on the car. I would go to a car wash and wash it off there (and also the roof of the car). Really though - I shouldn't have bothered. It was new and so was I and people told me I should wash it...

I only wash my boats now after a long camping trip - inside and out. Mainly because they look better afterwards and cleans out the hatches from any camping debris.

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Well, I have an easy access hose, so I often wash my boat, paddles, and gear. Depending on how you store your boat and how dry it is, the cockpit can get a bit stinky if you don't rinse it out, I have found. Our garage is slightly damp, and the inside of the boats are often lightly covered in beads of water--especially when I don't wash off the salt, which seems to draw water out of the air. Just my preference. I also do wonder if it's better for cloth seats to get a good rinse every so often. But I've been told I'm a bit "retentive" so take it with a drop of salt water.

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When you're getting your boat from the beach to your car, push it back in the water, waggle it to get the sand and weeds off, and pick it up and carry from the water.

Jeff C's trick: have a garden sprayer with water In your car to rinse your gear. A plastic water bottle sorta works too.

Whatever you do, for goodness sakes rinse those booties.

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