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Play in Portsmouth this Saturday


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With seas ramping up to 3'-5' this weekend and winds being upwards of 10-15 knots with possible 20 knot gusts, it might be a good opportunity for a skills practice paddle up in the Portsmouth area on Saturday. We will take advantage of a noon-ish max flood to play in the currents under the Wentworth bridge, practice boat maneuvering in wind around the island, perhaps circumnavigate Newcastle Island, or even go out to play in the rocks along the coast.

There are several launching opportunities, depending on the size of the group. Will probably launch around 10am and plan on spending around 4-6 hours on the water. Although ocean conditions are Level 3 to Level 4 (follow link for descriptions), this might be a good day for those transitioning from L2 to L3 as we can adjust the exposure to conditions as we see fit.

Please post interest and preferences here.

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Bummer I would have loved to have gone on this trip.

I have an old friend in from california and I am bringing him Mt biking at killington this weekend.

Rats- have fun

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