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2014 Blackburn Challenge Results.


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I know it’s not nice to brag about yourself, but I think that it’s okay to brag about your friends.

Here are all of the results of the 2014 Blackburn Challenge. Congratulations to all. For your convenience here are the results of our NSPN competitors:

FSK Class Women:
Lisa Huntington: # 1 (3:35:25) – personal best and a fantastic time, especially for a gal who’s nursing an episode of back pain.

FSK Class Men:
Sid Cohen: # 5 (3:21:16) – personal best and a fantastic time. Sid will medal in a year or two.
Paul Sylvester # 6 (3:40:26) – personal best and a very good time.
Moi (Don’t ask*)

SK Class Men:
Steve Yost: # 6 (3:35:48) – super time for a first timer in a sea kayak (no wonder I had a hard time keeping up with him in our training run).

*At approximately mile 12 I began to get very nauseous. For the sake of safety I dropped out at the nearest safe take-out (Long Beach). The good news is that I had a great surf ride into the beach.

-Leon who hitched a ride back to the party and got the beer

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Congrats to all. Did Lisa really beat Sid by 2 hours? ;-)



Thanks, good catch, Phil. I changed it before the edit button turned off. Lisa is fast, but even Oscar can't break 2 hours.

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Congratulations, Lisa! Another great performance!

I see Ken Cooper also had a good race: congrats Ken and Paul (I don't think Ken reads these pages any more?)

Oscar and his partner must have had a good race: they were only one minute ahead of the second-place finisher in their class (I wish I understood all the abbreviations for the classes -- for instance: what is HPK? Is it High Performance, perhaps? There were others I failed to understand...)

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Hi, Sir Christopher...

Yes, HPK is High Performance Kayak. FSK is Fast Sea Kayak (4" waterline length to width ratio > 9.25:1 and < 11.5:1, and SK you know :-) SS20+ is a new class just for surf skis with an overall width of 20" or more, for example the Epic V8. Basically equivalent to FSK usually, this has been steadily diminishing the FSK class as people switch over to the dark side :-) When I evaluate my own results I usually combine FSK and SS20+ classes. There are so few women in these races that I am almost always alone in my class, and it's depressing to compare myself to the men.

Achilles International has their own class - they have an excellent program for athletes with disabilities paired up with volunteers in a tandem sea kayak. And "OC" stands for Outrigger Canoe, "OC6", for example, is a 6-person OC.

(I think Oscar and Joe Glickman were 2:30 ahead of the next tandem)

Hope to see you soon out there!


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Sir Christopher,

The Glicker/Oscar tandem would have performed even better if it weren’t for: In the words of Oscar, “Joe is between chemo treatments”.

Joe, get well soon. I know you will win this battle too.

To put the finishing times in perspective here are the best times ever:

FSK First Place: 2:32:58 (Greg Barton using an Epic 18X)*
FSK Second Place: 2:59:26 (using a Current Designs Freedom)**
HPK First Place: 2:25:32 (using an Epic V14)***
Paddle Board First Place: 3:37:43****

*Barton actually raced his FSK sea kayak in the HPK division and won. He did it another time using the Epic Endurance 18. Very impressive beating all the surfskis using a fast, but standard, sea kayak.

**Other than Olympian Barton, the only FSK kayak ever to come in under 3 hours!

*** Dorian Wolter, yet another celebrity athlete that occasionally competes in the Blackburn Challenge. He’s a member of the New York Outrigger club and came in first place in the Surfski-40 men’s division of the Ocean Racing World Championships in Portugal in 2013.

**** This is the most impressive to me; i.e. 20 miles in a SUP beating many of the FSK’s. I can barely balance in the waves on one of those boards.



Pix of Oscar (left) and the "Glicker" in the winner's circle.


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I forgot that many of you are unaware of Oscar Chalupsky and Joe Glickman. Here's what I said in another thread before the race:

Oscar Chalupsky is one of the most recognizable athletes in surfski racing. He’s a World Surfski Champion – winning the Molokai 12 times, the last time at age 49!

He’s racing a double in Blackburn 2014. The other guy in his ski will be Joe Glickman (a two-time member of the U.S. Marathon Canoe and Kayak Team).

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Hi, Sir Christopher...

... and it's depressing to compare myself to the men.

Lisa, ya think it's not depressing for me to compare my times against the FSK men finishing in ~3 hours? I guess I can fall back on the old-age excuse :-)

See ya soon, I hope.


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Always a good time and glad to be a small part of it.. Thanks.

Special thanks to Leon who inspired me around 1999 to try the Blackburn. After having entered a couple small charity races a couple of us joined Leon for a training loop around Cape Ann. He made it look easy and waited up for me as needed. Made it around fine but It was an eye opener and I loved it.

thank you,

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FSK Class Women:

Lisa Huntington: # 1 (3:35:25) – personal best and a fantastic time, especially for a gal who’s nursing an episode of back pain.

FSK Class Men:

Sid Cohen: # 5 (3:21:16) – personal best and a fantastic time. Sid will medal in a year or two.

Paul Sylvester # 6 (3:40:26) – personal best and a very good time.

Moi (Don’t ask*)

Y'all were really motoring. What is the distance covered and average speed please (knots)?


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Y'all were really motoring. What is the distance covered and average speed please (knots)?


The BBC loop from start to finish is almost exactly 17 nautical miles (19.6 Statute miles).

Average Speed (knots; rounded to 2 decimal places) --> Finishing time (hrs:min:sec):

Knots -->Time

7.00 --> 2:25:43 (HPK first place)

5.58 --> 3:02:56 (FSK first place)

5.10 --> 3:20:00

5.07 --> 3:21:16 (Sid, FSK 5’th place)

4.98 --> 3:25:00

4.86 --> 3:30:00

4.74 --> 3:35:00

4.74 --> 3:35:25 (Lisa, FSK 1’st place for women)

4.73 --> 3:35:48 (Steve, SK 6'th place)

4.64 --> 3:40:00

4.60 --> 3:40:26 (Paul, FSK 6’th place)

4.53 --> 3:45:00


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I am very curious if you can tell me what the respective specific boat types were for the 5.58 kt-FSK, 5.07 kt-FSK, 4.74 kt-FSK, 4.73 kt- SK (in particular!) and the 4.60 kt- FSK. Do you know if they were all using wing paddles?

Thank you



Not having a calculator, I wrote a short program to convert times from 3:00:00 to 4:00:00 to average speed (in steps of five minutes). The nice exact times in the list are hypothetical. The actual competitors in the list were:

5.58 --> 3:02:56 (FSK first place) wing, Epic 18X

5.07 --> 3:21:16 (Sid, FSK 5’th place), wing, Epic, 18X

4.74 --> 3:35:25 (Lisa, FSK 1’st place for women), wing, Wahoo named Mustang Sally (John Winters design for Lisa, see this and this )

4.73 --> 3:35:48 (Steve, SK 6'th place), flat paddle, home-built Cape Ann Storm

4.60 --> 3:40:26 (Paul, FSK 6’th place), flat paddle (I think), Night Heron (I think)

Please chime in if I made a mistake or to add info.


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Conscience forces me to 'fess up: Conditions were really very fast this year. The tide was going our way for most of the first half of the race and there was no wind to speak of :-)

Last year, not so much. Tide was going the other way, there was a steady medium-force headwind on the long back leg, and it was very, very hot. You can see the difference in the race results.

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My kayak is a Yukon in the FSK class. It is 18'x21" cedar strip epoxy composite. A new design from Nick at Guillemot Kayaks that is meant to compare with the Epic18 and similar kayaks. I did have a wing paddle but given the times in the FSK class I should have trained for real instead of just once a week for 3-4 weeks.

Andy, I am the one that was with you and Rob in Portsmouth a few Saturdays ago. I had the wing and my Explorer.

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Thanks, Lisa and Leon, for your explanations! Cheers.

That 7kt average really is outrageous, isn't it? OMG!

As for this comment, elsewhere: "...I should have trained for real instead of just once a week for 3-4 weeks" Ja, you slacker, you! ;^)

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