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Falmouth to the Vineyard


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Hello all, I have recently gotten interested in attempting the crossing from Falmouth, MA to Martha's Vineyard. I have done open water trips of similiar length before and dealt with chop. What I have not done is paddle in congested ferry and boat traffic, and the amount of chop I expect there.

Can anyone lend any insight on what I would need to prepare for this? Any advice of any sort would be appreciated. I do plan on travelling with at least one partner, perhaps two.

I own a Necky Alsek if that is of any help.

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You definitely need to beware of currents and be up on your ferry angles in variable current. Vineyard Sound ebbs until Boston low tide, and floods until (I'll let you guess). Currents get to ~3 knots and need to be respected. Eldridge's has a nice set of tidal current maps vor Vineyard sound.

The main issue (in the next few months) is the afternoon SW seabreeze. It'll frequently kick up to 20+ knots, and you'll be in the trough while crossing. Do not take the afternoon seabreeze lightly.

Boat traffic can be heavy but is managable with a few simple rules. If you're crossing from Woods Hole, paddle SW along Nonamesset for 1/2 mile and then turn towards Tashmoo. That will place you to the west of the Woods-Hole- Vineyard Haven traffic lane. Another option is to cross from Falmouth (Trunk river), which puts you between the Woods Hole and Falmouth shipping channels, but thn you need to cross over at the east end of Middle Ground. Both these routes are current-dependent.

As to prep, I am leading two AMC sea kayak trips out of Woods Hole on 6/21 and 6/22. (You can find them on outdoors.org.) That's a good way to get a sense of the area if you haven't paddled locally, and I'd be glad to chat with you about crossing details, both on the water and here.

Edited by josko
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Agree the combination of current and wind makes this a tricky passage on some tides, especially if you end up paddling across Middle Ground which ramps up the aforementioned currents and wind conditions. Potential currents to 3 kts against winds to 20 kts over shoals.... If you aren't planning for Middle Ground as well as the ferries, you may need more study.

In NSPN terms, it's a Level 4 trip by several measures, so take it seriously. The distance is the least of it.

Very doable of with proper skills. And knowledge or guidance of someone with experience.


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Three of us paddled from Trunk River to West Chop and back two weeks back. We experienced considerable chop 3ft on the way over at the east end of Middle Ground. After short break, we headed back and Middle Ground changed to 4-5 foot chop. Winds were 15-20 predicted for mid morning. We passed mid point around 10:00 am and post trip data confirmed flood current of 2.6 knts. So conditions were NNE winds on the flood heading NNE up the coast. By the time we got near GC 15 chop was easily 5 feet.

My suggestion: cross on slack tide both ways, carry a radio and have at least 4 in your party. Between the conditions and dodging ferries, it was quite a trip.

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Hi David,

Any thought about writing a trip report? Your trip sounds as though we could benefit from haring further details.

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Went across a couple years back. As other have said you need to do your homework and plan the trip around the tides and currents. Aside from some quibbling about following the GPS or using more traditional means it was a pretty uneventful trip. The only thing I recall was when we did a rolling demo for the ferry and one of our midst ended up swimming. Adam Bolonsky also showed me there are several audible indicators that you can keep correctly placed to (help) avoid missing the island altogether in poor visibility.

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